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((A/N: shoulder tapping is a common theme for me. It helps me get and stay grounded.~))
Bakugou and I heard a knocking on the door, and he got up then went up to the door "who's there? Answer before I open it!"

"It's Lady Melissa Shieldheart, I'm here to tell you the crowned king demands your presence in the war room. It concerns the prince and the kingdom of Felina." She replied, that's when he opened the door and let her in.

She had a beautiful voice, I wish I could see her as well. She came inside and I replied "Alright, let us get-"

Her voice sounded a bit timid "it's a talk for... The men... Sorry your Majesty, but you'll have to stay here for now. I'll be accompanying you."

Bakugou was hesitant but had no choice, he walked out of the room and slammed the door shut behind him. This was my first time being alone since I became his mate, so I took the time to let out a relaxed sigh "ugh thank God.... Hes nice and all but, a lady needs her privacy. Holy shit!"

My tail twitched as she lectured me about swearing "you shouldn't speak that way your Majesty!"

I face palmed hard "don't be so formal, and everyone swears. Don't tell me you've never said a swear before."

"Never intentionally, and okay [Y/N]. Well, seems we're alone for a while, would you like a grand tour?" She didn't know I was blind at this point, so I took no offense to her question.

I have a nervous laugh as I started to explain it to her "I'm sure it's beautiful but... I'm blind."

She acted as if she tripped a landline "I'm sorry... I just.. um..-"

Before Melissa decided to shut down, i tapped her shoulder and smiled "it's okay. I won't be able to see it, but it's a great chance to stretch my legs. Plus, I do love to hear descriptions and such - I helps me memorize where everything is." She gave a slight yes, and she felt more relieved when I said that. She took my hand and proceeded to walk while chatting away.

I heard the footsteps of other servants, but I didn't mind since other people sounded great right now. As we were walking, I split ways with her on accident when she stopped holding my hand to talk to someone, but I didn't notice she wasn't there. I accidentally bumped into someone who gave a crude response "whatch where you're going."

My ears went down "I'm sorry, I can't see - I'm blind. I didn't hear your steps because the servants' footsteps where so loud I had to drown them out."

I felt sincerity in his voice "oh. I'm sorry then, nice to meet you...? I haven't seen you before, are you another servant? You're beautiful."

After I laughed a little at the comment "I'm not a servant, my name is [Y/N] - I was on my way to find my m-"

He took my hand and kissed it "I see, my name is Shoto Todoroki miss."

That name 'WAIT. HE'S THE-' I snapped myself out of it and immediately bowed in respect "I'm sorry, I didn't know who I was talking to."

Surprisingly, he didn't give a curd retort "it's fine. I'll help you get to your room again, since it seems you're kinda lost."

His voice was smooth and delicate "okay." I forgot to mention I'm mated, surely Bakugou would be jealous - but I want to make sure I'm on good terms with him. So far, he doesnt seem to be into anything sketchy; which is why I decided to trust him and follow him.

We made it back to my temporary room and he opened the door, allowing me in. He smelt the scent of an alpha the moment he walked in "ugh what's that smell..."

I went to explain "it's my ma-"

Melissa can bursting in through the large doors right behind us and immediately hugged onto me "I WAS SO WORRIED I LOST YOU."

Dammit I keep getting cut off 'well whatever, he probably knows from the smell' he quickly left after that and went to find the men. Melissa introduced me to some of the other servants, and we all had a tea party together in my temporary room. We chatted up about boys and stuff, so I took the opportunity to ask about the prince Shoto. Apparently he had one dysfunctional family, and his mother was responsible for some sort of scar on his face - which I couldn't see in the first place. He was sensitive about it, so thank God my idiot ass didn't see it or I would have asked knowing myself.

((A/N: time Skippy and minor NSFW warning.))

Sometime later, the ladies left to go off to their own tasks; which left me behind with no one. I just laid on the bed, about to take a nap when I heard yelling "WHAT THE HELL? I smell him on you!"

I felt him resting his body ontop of me, and he bit my neck as he marked me again. This caused me to help into a fully awake state "W...what the hell?! It was just prince Shoto! He-"

What came next was Shoto's voice as he pulled off Katsuki and yelled "GET OFF HER! who do you think you ar-"

Katsuki became pissed "she's my mate already! I came here with her. Didn't she tell you?"

Struggling to not have an anxiety attack, I hid under the covers "I... Tried, but I kept getting interupted...I'm sorry Katsuki. Shoto, Mee my alpha - Katsuki Bakugo."

Shoto replied "oh. Well nice to meet you, I guess."

Katsuki acted a bit better "nice to meet you too, Shoto."

The next thing that Shoto asked would change my life forever "I have an idea you just might like Katsuki. It'll help forge a bond between our kingdoms to say the least, and it would lessen tension while making us allies. Refuse, and I'll wage war here and now."

Curious, I asked him what he meant "what do you mean?"


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