Good Ending

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((A/N: welp, there will be two endings. One good and one bad, you choose which you like.))

When I awoke in my village after a long few day trip over, and I was still anxious about my alphas finding out about where I am. Yagi helped me out of the carriage as I suddenly felt a spike of pain "FUCKKK... The pups... Are coming..."

That's when Tsu and and Momo came running to me and grabbing me to help me get to the main medical hut. Once in, all the betas surrounded the entire hut to ensure safety. Yagi stayed with me though, and sent Aizawa and the other alphas to guard the borders of our village.

((A/N: this next part is during these events.))

*-Katsuki's POV-*

I came back to (Y/N) not in our room, and so I sent for someone to get Izuku while I began looking for her. After a few hours of searching, it struck me... Izuku isn't here, and (Y/N) isn't either. Looking at Shoto, I growl while clutching the collar of his shirt and shaking him "was it you half and half bastard?"

While shaking, he shook his head "no it wasn't, and you know that. I've been with you dealing with the annoying Yellow village idiot." He said in a calm tone.

I could tell by his body language he wasn't lying, so I let him down as one of the servants came up to me - it was a pink looking girl I usually see working with (Y/N) when she's eating "Your majesties, I have news!" She came rushing over, she was one of my most trustworthy subjects other than shitty hair.

When she bowed, I replied "tell me what it is dammit!"

Great, I made the air tense again. Not like I give a fuck though "one of the night guards saw them running, and tailed after them. It seems she went with her pack again, and what's worse is... She's with another alpha."

This made me so pissed off you'd think I'd snap someone's neck at that moment "where is this guard now? I want a full scaled army going after them now!"

The servants nodded and ran off to start preparing as Mina replied "they're still out there, they sent a travel hawk. By now they probably got to their village already."

Shoto then spoke up "that's fine because they don't have nearly enough firepower even at full strength to deal with even a minor battalion sir."

I groaned "she has our pups dammit, this breaks our deal... Which means war if (Y/N) isn't given back to us. I don't give a fuck if those pups are raised bastards or not if she refuses. We charge them all and slaughter them all besides (Y/N). She stays alive and is brought to me. If she does die, then I'll kill every one of my generals dammit." With that, everyone including myself went off to get ready for a battle.

*-Kirishima's POV-*

I heard the entire conversation, but I knew at that moment what I had to do. Those lands had tons of hiding places, I could easily hide her entire tribe into safety if I could get there quicker... So it's time I set off "But I need a few friends to help first." I said to myself as I ran off to go find Sero and Mina. After a while of searching, I found them both hanging out together near the boat docks - I knew I could trust them because we where closest of friends, and they wouldn't ever agree with this means of warfare.

"Oh hey Kirishima!" Mina said as she waved my way with a big smile that was shared with Sero.

I looked at them "you guys... You don't believe in what his majesty is doing right? He's slaughtering an entire race here!"

Sero looked to me "I don't, but what can we do about it? He's stronger and has more people than just us three." He sounded very upset and disappointed with the way this conversation was heading.

Until... "Hey we have more than just us, we actually have an entire village of people who could help us out." I smiled with a very positive attitude to my voice.

Mina looked at me "what are you saying? That's treason!"

Shaking my head, I kept the morale up "it won't be! We're getting (Y/N) back to Bakugou without any deaths. I was thinking of hiding them all within the mountains while one of us do the job transporting her back to the man himself?"

They both nodded and agreed to helping me, then we got our horses ready. We set off immediately to ensure we got there before them so we could warn the village before it was too late.

*-(Y/N)'s POV-*

I gave birth to three kids, one was a dog looking boy I named Littener. The other two were both girls that looked half cat and half fox. I named one named Naomi, and the other I named Tamiko "they're all mine..." I said happily with them in my arms, my tail wagging as I held them both. They began crying, and that's when I rocked them gently and Yagi released his scent to make them calm down.

"They are, but you know.... I could help you by being their father? They shouldn't ever learn who they're fathers are. Also, we put our guards up and we're prepping to become nomads. They'll certainly come blasting soon, because it's easy to tell what happened with you." Yagi stated as he stayed sitting beside me, he pat my head as I rocked the babies to sleep.

I soon fell asleep shortly after while saying "I would love that..."

Peace didn't last soon as the sound of fighting came outside, and screams shortly after. Yagi left to check on it after making sure I stayed asleep - when he came outside, he was greeted by Kirishima and his friends "what's the meaning of this? Are you from Bakugou?!" He growled as he exerted a lot of tension and tried to make them go away.

"WAIT! we're here to help... We need to warn you about-" as Kirishima spoke, he was slammed to the ground harshly by Shinso.

Yagi was fustrated "warn us about what? WHO FOLLOWED YOU?!" yagi stated.

Mina immediately whimpered "no one... But um..."

Shinso sounded equally as fustrated "out with it before I kill you."

Kirishima looked at Yagi "Bakugou has a full army coming this way.... I know places you can hide... This isn't how war should be, they're all going to slaughter you."

Releaved, Yagi spoke his mind "let them go. We have to hide... I'll get (Y/N) and the pups, everyone let's move out and follow... Your name? Thank you for helping us. Shinso, let them up young one." Yagi smiled.

Shinso let them go "My name is Kirishima. The pink one is Mina, and the other man is Sero sir."

With barely any time, everyone evacuated with supplies and hid in the mountains as planned. We used mud and natural smells from the area to cover our events.

*-Katsuki's POV-*

We arrived four days after to find not a single soul in the village "DAMMIT! HOW DO WE FIND THEM?" I shouted.

Shoto and the others all began looking, but not even their scent remained. We packed our supplies and burned the village down, then continued towards the other kingdoms without noticing anything out of place.

*-(Y/N)'s POV-*

They avoided us, then we remade our village deep inside the waterfalls and mountains from then on. Yagi became my mate, and we all raised my pups together in peaceful happiness. Word went around our kind just committed mass suicide to avoid the torture we'd suffer from the dog kingdom, and a bounty was placed on our heads if any of us survived. Lucky for us, nature provided for us and we didn't need contact with anyone else.

Best of all, people forgot foxes existed for the most part over time, so our pups (who could see) eventually became warriors themselves. Myself? I became happy spending the rest of my days with Yagi and the others. Kirishima went back to the kingdom and explained they were looking for clues early since they missed me. Hailed as a hero of our kind, they became amazing soldiers for the dogs and eventually groomed a new generation of better and brighter dog people. As for Shoto and Katsuki? Well who knows, they probably found happiness with each other but... They wouldn't ever have my freedom again.


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