Pack Loyalty?

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I was sore from another night of being abused, and woke up to the smell of food being stuffed near my face followed by a loud growl. Katsuki was still aggravated about the day before, and Shoto was as well "You'll be staying in this room unless you're with us now. No more freedom for you after yesterday, you're lucky we let you out to begin with!" Katsuki screamed.

Shoto calmed him down but agreed "yes, our pups could have gotten injured. We put up a royal order to not let you out unless we're escorting you directly." Their trust in me was gone, which was largely painful to me since it just made them more suffocating. Now I had to have a food tester, the windows got locked for extra security. Doctors, Izuku, and female omega maids were the only ones allowed inside; my nesting instincts took hold and I nested happily but with fear in the bed on my own as I got to the point I was 7 months pregnant.

My savior came in the form of a certain older sister like girl named Tsu. She snuck out from the village disgused as a dog maid. Luckily for her, she was a beta that had gotten through their processes of background checks by the use of a lot of lies and a lot of gold "(Y/N) we don't have enough time to get a full chat so listen to me. Pretend I'm a maid and act like you don't know me."

This was a welcome surprise for me, she started doing my hair up and getting me ready. I wanted to talk with her, but I obeyed what she said "nice to meet you.~ But why grace me with your happiness?" I said with a happy tone but I was also scared because I recently learned they wanted me dead.

Everything I said was meant to sound like it was a normal conversation, but she knew what I meant as she kept speaking in a low tone "we don't hate you.... We actually miss you, even Aizawa-sensei does. We found lots of interesting information. We can't confirm who it is yet, but someone in this place wants you to stay here. Our tribe is in trouble - your mates sent soldiers to us after sending us a letter in which they faked being you."

I grew concerned as my tail twitched "but the posters...."

She gave a sigh of stress "that wasn't us, we don't betray our own - and we certainly know you wouldn't either." Tsu stated in a worried tone.

That's when it hit me, the letters I've been sending "what about what Izuku's been writing?"

Tsu sounded like she had no idea who Izuku was "who? Anyway, be prepared. We have a distraction all set and ready to go for tonight. At about a little bit before your bed time, so just say you want to sleep early tonight. We're getting you out of here." She said as she finished getting me ready. I trusted her, so I nodded and smiled like she remembered I used to. We both parted ways as she left to find the exit of the castle, once out - she got things ready on her end.

Meanwhile, I was stuck with Shoto most of the day learning combat strategies. I didn't spar with him, but he had me test it out on some what I assumed was a wooden doll by the sound of it. My hits got harder and more precise, which was great for my development. I was also antsy about getting out of here too - the thought of someone wanting to force me to stay wasn't appealing to me in the slightest. We had a deal, my hand for my tribe's safety - this clearly broke that deal to pieces, while thinking - Shoto snapped me out of it "you okay (Y/N)?" He asked with a look of worry on his face.

Shrugging it off, I went back to training and eventually Katsuki joined us both and tonight me physical fighting moves for me to practice.

((Time skip))

After a day of training, I consumed a lot of food like usual and sighed "I'm going to sleep early. I'm exhausted from being pregnant..." I got up and went to our room as a loud commotion was heard the opposite way. Smashing, banging, you name it - so my mates had to rush into action.

I got to my room with Izuku as he shut the door and locked the door with a large burrow ontop of the big log lock on the door "for protection... And we're getting you out of here!" He said as he made haste with getting my things packed.

That's when I heard a voice coming through the window "come home with us (Y/N), it's time to get back at these assholes."

I felt my bite marks from my mates again as I nodded and followed izuku to the window, that's when I felt arms grabbing me and getting down off the side of the castle "easy does it. Don't worry, I'll help you raise your pups along with everyone else. Don't worry." It was none other than Yagi Toshinori, one of the lead alphas of our tribe and the best fighter we had! 'BIG TIME SAVED. YESSSSS.' I thought to myself as they got me into the carriage and ready to go back.

That's when panic mode set in "What about Izuku? pups aren't full boot, what of they come after us?"

A million thoughts rushed through my mind as I heard Yagi's voice while he pulled me into his lap "it's okay (Y/N), I'm here. Relax, we all love you." On the carriage ride over, I fell asleep after a bit of talking. Yagi used his alpha hormones to keep me relaxed as he thought about the obstacles himself with Izuku sitting close to him in the carriage now. I'm glad I wouldn't be there when they found out I was missing, especially not after the dire bear... Things weren't adding up and it's beginning to be terrifying for me.

I was safer with my tribe than with them, and that's what I want for my pups... But how far can I go to secure this life?


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