Nature vs Behavior

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((A/N: this is an update loves! TvT I love izuku. Js.))

After discussing how we would go back to Hachina, we all got our supplies together - and the king offered a few of his men to help guard us along the journey. He offered us Izuku, Mei, and A few others, and we kindly accepted since most of the people he offered up where people even Shoto trusted. I was really happy they offered Izuku to us too! My innocent cinnamon roll will happily be by my side as one of my closest friends, not just a servant. After everyone has gotten some more rest, we ate up with King Enji.

When we were at the table, Enji spoke to me "after this, I want to talk to [Y/N] alone for a few minutes."

Shoto was dead set against it, but unfortunately he couldn't say no since he was the current king. There was a huge feast put out for us of just about every food I could comprehend, at least that's what my overly sensitive smelling could tell. We dug in and all had a fun time together for the most part, I made them all laugh with my pathetic excuse for humor.

((A/N: time skip to after the meal. Also I read the manga - Enji is in fact worth forgiving omg. Sorry not sorry.))

I remembered that Enji wanted to speak, so I listened to his voice source and followed his scent towards his chair "okay then, let's go talk?"

He gave a happy huff and guided me out the room towards his own quarters "don't worry, you're near my room. I'm not doing anything bad, I just wanted to tell you some things before you go off with my son forever."

Titling my head, I asked "why can't you say this in front of him then?"

I kept a small distance from him in case, but he was very intimidating since he switched off his alpha scent once he left their sights "well, it's a bit complicated. When he was younger, a lot happened with his mother and all. I'm an asshole not because I want to be, but because I had to be. He was mentally scarred, but eventually he took a liking to hurting things. He may try to hurt you, but I honestly think you could change him for the better. In his eyes, I'm beyond being forgiven - but I want him to go back to being himself instead of what I showed him to be. Also, have this... It'll make you able to visit me anytime you want. You're my daughter in law now, and a good one at that from what I've seen."

He pulled my hand up and put something in it, honestly I was dumbfounded and awestruck "what is it? And I see... I'll be careful then."

Enji forgot I couldn't see "it's a necklace medallion that belonged to Shoto's mother when I first proposed to her, it has our royal family pendant. You and Shoto...along with Katsuki are the next generation of rulers within Felina, so you deserve it."

I gave a courtesy now and smiled "thank you so much your maje-"

He interupted me "call me dad from now on, and you're welcome. Let's get you back to your mates."

Leading me back to them, I ran up to them and hugged them both happily "LET'S GO HOME!" I shouted in a very excited tone.

Katsuki gave a reply before Shoto "Tch, yes. I want you to meet the old hag." He sounded kind of curt when he said it.

I didn't bother asking, but Shoto saw the pendant around my neck "... Why do you have that?!"

He sounded pissed off, and his alpha scent exploded - and he grabbed me from Katsuki as I became extremely scared of him. Katsuki was yelling at him to let go, but Shoto insisted "she's my omega too. I need a bit alone with her, meet us at the carriage." He tugged me out of the room with him and went to his now old living quarters.

"S..Shoto that hurts.. let go..." I went with him without an argument.

He pinned me to the bed and put his hands around my throat "what did that bastard tell you? Why do you have that pendant?"

Honestly petrified, I stopped moving "he gave it to me and said I was like a child to him..."

He let go and sighed "I see... Sorry about that. Bad memories.... Let's go to the carriage. I'm done here." He lead me to the outside doors of the castle where I heard horses neighing. I sensed we were in front of the carriages as Shoto handed me to Izuku, who let me in the carriage and hopped in with me.

Shoto, Katsuki, and Enji all stayed out and spoke for a bit as I fell asleep. A few hours later I woke up to Katsuki and him arguing as they got inside "keep it.. down..." I said as they both ignored each other, but sat on both sides of me. Izuku was pushed to the other side as I groaned "this will be a long trip to say the least."

"So...sorry [Y/N], they insisted." Izuku stated.

I understood why they wouldn't want another male coming near me, so I just nodded in response. I felt their breath on my neck as Izuku got out and went out front to command the horses from the front seat.

The journey ahead of us was a long one, but at least Izuku was on my side. Once outside of the kingdom of Felina, the guards with us got more protective of us and made sure to surround the caravan. Nightfall came, and we set up camp together - but I needed to stretch my legs "I'm going to get fire wood with Izuku alone, I'll make my call if anything happens. you boys focus on getting it set up please."

Not leaving room for them to protest, I walked off with Izuku into the forest after getting axes from inside our supply carriage. I had a bad feeling about this, but I didn't want to be useless - and too much alpha hormones gets annoying.


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