The Cursed Dance

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**Authors p.o.v**

Time has gone by and things were pretty relaxed, they talked with others and enjoyed the dances. It was time for the final dance, "and now ladies and gentlemen it is time for the final dance that many of you know as la danse maudite" the announced said with a sly smirk....

Everyone applauded while Michael and Louis were petrified except for the girls who were eager to dance. As everyone took their places and the orchestra awaited for the instructor to start a strange feeling crept over the entire room and thunder hits

-play audio here-
the music plays and they begin to dance. Though it may have seemed like an harmless dance it was also a spelled that was casted upon them, leaving them in a trance. Michael and Louis tried their best to break them from it there was no point in trying when the tempo increased and everyone floated in the air as they waltzed around the ballroom.

              The song was coming to the end, the floating couples were now back on the ground and eyes were growing red along with their fangs showing from their can now see where it was all goin.

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