First Time Sleeping Over - Jimin

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Jimin raced over to the door when he heard knocking. He opened it to see you standing there, a large bag thrown over your shoulder.

"Hey," he greeted you.

"Hey," you replied as you stepped inside and set down your things. "Thanks again for letting me stay on such short notice."

"Well, I didn't have much of a choice. It sounded like a real emergency." You had called him only an hour earlier, frantic and begging that he let you stay with him for the night. It only took him a few seconds to tell you that you were always welcome.

You nodded. "I forgot it was date night."

"Oh, sounds like it's getting serious then."

"I hope so, otherwise I got kicked out for no reason."

The two of you chuckled. Your roommate had recently started dating someone new and it was a bit of a challenge for you. Not that you minded at all, you were happy. But sudden changes to your schedule always threw you off.

"You didn't have plans tonight, did you?"

Jimin glanced up at your question, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "There was this party I was going to go to, but I can cancel."

"I should have known. Go on then, I'll be fine."

"You want to stay here alone while I go to a party?"

You shrugged as you glanced at your jeans and t-shirt. "I'm not exactly dressed for the occasion. And I wanted a pretty quiet night myself so..." 

"No way," Jimin protested with a smile. "You're coming with me. And it's nothing fancy, just a few of Tae's acting buddies and the regular group. We're leaving in twenty."

And before you could try to counter him, he had left to finish getting ready. You sighed and shook your head. Jimin was almost impossible to refuse and he loved encouraging people to do things with him. So there was no way you were getting out of this.

Forty-five minutes later, you showed up at Tae's doorstep only fashionably late. 

"(Y/N)!" Tae exclaimed as he grabbed you in a bear hug.

"Hi, Tae. Sorry for crashing your party."

"Don't be silly, the more the merrier." He gave you one of his boxy grins. And then he started introducing you and Jimin to his unfamiliar friends. They seemed nice enough, but you preferred the familiar when it came to things like this, and that meant Namjoon and Hoseok.

The three of you had a great time. Hoseok danced with you and you caught up with Namjoon about what had been going on in your respective lives. When you were just starting to get tired, Jimin suddenly appeared by your side.

"You ready to go?" he mumbled. 

Hoseok immediately perked up. "You're leaving together?"

"It's not like that."

"Yeah, I'm just staying with Jimin for the night," you added. Namjoon, Hoseok, and Tae all shared a quick glance. "What?"

Namjoon coughed. "Nothing."

"Weirdoes," you mumbled as you went around and gave them hugs good-bye. You were barely done hugging Tae when you felt Jimin tug at your arm.

"Come on," he whined. When you finally relented and followed him, you missed the glare he threw over his shoulder at the others. They just smirked in return.

When you made it back to Jimin's place, you immediately took off your shoes and flopped onto his bed. 

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