Yoongi (Best Friends AU) - Makeovers

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"And I'm telling you that it's ridiculous!" Yoongi exclaimed. "Anyone can look good in the right clothes or the right lighting."

"You're crazy! The whole point of the trope is to show that they were attractive all along, they just weren't looking in the right places."

The two of you were vehemently discussing the classic "geek to chic" makeover trope because it had shown up in a movie you were watching. And that somehow led into a full-fledged argument without either of you noticing.

"Yeah, they're attractive all along in the right circumstances," Yoongi countered. "That's it, end of discussion."

Jimin suddenly cleared his throat and the two of you glanced over in surprise. You hadn't heard him come in.

"If I can interrupt," he started. "So you're basically saying that if someone you knew had a makeover like that, you wouldn't feel any differently toward them?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Of course not. One makeover doesn't change anything about the relationship. Doll it up however you want, it's what's inside that counts."

"I'll agree to that point," you conceded. "It's not some magical cure-all. But it can definitely change how you see someone and that's enough to change the relationship dynamic."

"I can't keep arguing with you about this," Yoongi sighed as he ran his hands through his hair.

"Then admit I'm right."

"In your dreams, (Y/N)."

"Fine, then we'll keep discussing it--"

"My turn to interrupt!" Taehyung's voice exclaimed. When on earth had he gotten over there with Jimin?

"Why don't we make a bet? One of you gets a makeover and see if it changes your relationship."

"No way," you and Yoongi chorused.

Taehyung shrugged. "Well, you've been fighting about it for over an hour and you're not getting anywhere. Might be your best way to settle it."

"Sounds like fun!" Jimin added.

You and Yoongi both glared at them. "We're not doing that," Yoongi said as he stood up from the couch and made his way to the bathroom.

The moment he was gone, you felt two pairs of eyes staring at you.

Jimin and Taehyung had obviously found their target of this little experiment.

"No way," you told them firmly.

"But (Y/N), don't you like Yoongi?" Taehyung asked.

"Who told you that?!"

Jimin suddenly turned his head towards the wall and you sighed. You should have known better than to trust him with the secret.

"This could be a chance to really knock him off his feet," Taehyung continued. "Come on...you'd be in good hands."

"I don't know. Doing this just to prove a point seems weird."

"All right, it's your choice."

Taehyung walked off to the kitchen to find something to eat. Jimin glanced at you after a moment.

"For what it's worth, people don't always pay attention to what's right in front of them. You can't ignore it if someone goes through a dramatic change like that."

You sat in silence for a few moments to ponder that idea. When did Jimin get so deep? 

But your thoughts were interrupted by Yoongi joining you on the couch once again.

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