Namjoon (Hogwarts AU) - Love Sickness

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It all started when Jungkook came to his room with a problem.

"What do you know about love potions?"

Namjoon immediately paused in the essay he was writing, leaning back in his chair to look at Jungkook.

"I know that even the most skilled potions master doesn't need to be dabbling in making them. They're not worth the effort." His eyes shifted down to his friend's hand. "Please tell me you didn't make one."

Jungkook shook his head. "I didn't make it. I bought it off someone to use for a prank on Yoongi, but something's wrong with it."

"What do you mean?"

The younger boy slowly handed over the vial. "It looked fine, but when I opened the stopper, it So I thought I'd bring it to you and see what you thought."

Namjoon carefully inspected the vial for himself. It was clean and clear, with no signs of damage to the container. It was just enough for a tablespoon at most. Powerful stuff, whatever this was. The potion itself was light pink in color, swishing around as he moved it this way and that. All good signs of what was considered a normal love potion.

But Jungkook had a sharp nose. It was one of the reasons he was doing so well in Potions class himself. So if he could tell something was wrong just by the smell, it must be wrong.

He gently pulled out the stopper, lifting it towards his nose to see what he could notice. At first, he didn't notice anything. It smelled fine. But there was an underlying scent hiding among the rest. Something...bitter. Just a trace of an additional ingredient that shouldn't have been added.

"What were you going to do with this?" he asked Jungkook. "Or do I want to know?"

He chuckled softly. "I was planning to put it in Yoongi's pumpkin juice later this week to see what would happen."

"Good thing you brought this to me, then."

"Is something wrong with it?"

Namjoon stood up and walked towards the door. "Seems that way. But either way, Yoongi would definitely kill you if you tried that prank on him."

"I was going to be careful," Jungkook scoffed.

"I'm sure you were, but it's not worth the risk. So leave it with me and I'll let you know what I find out about it."

"Thanks. See you at dinner later."

After Jungkook left, Namjoon studied the vial and the potion. As a Ravenclaw, this was definitely a learning opportunity for him.

He pulled out a few books and pored through them to see if he could find anything. He took the stopper out again and gave it another sniff to see if he could figure out that extra ingredient. That might end up being the key. 

"Namjoon!" one of his friends exclaimed as he knocked on the door. He reeled back in surprise, nearly dropping the vial in the process. Thankfully, it only spilled a little of its contents. "Are you coming to dinner or not?"

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute!" Namjoon called back. He quickly put the stopper back in, shoving the vial in one of his desk drawers.

He left his room, wiping the small few drops of potion on his robes as he went.

The next day, everything seemed perfectly normal. It was the start of a new week, so classes began bright and early. Namjoon breezed through his Ancient Runes and then his Transfiguration class with no problems. The only thing out of the ordinary was that his stomach felt odd.

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