An Offering (Dragon! Nordics x Reader) | Part 3 [Final]

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"Do you normally stay here while the others go hunt?" (Y/N) questions, brushing her delicate fingers through the Icelandic male's platinum locks.

Emil shakes his head, "No, I'm usually gathering fish like Arctic char and salmon by the open seas edge whilst Lukas takes care of the Cod and haddock." The girl lets out a small sound of recognition.

"Ooh, so that's what that was..."

He nods, "We leave the land animals for Berwald and Matthias to hunt whilst Tino looks for some herbs by the shoreline, although, he joins us to catch some herring occasionally—why?" He flips the page of his book, never once tearing his gaze from the words written. (Y/N) hums quietly, fiddling with his hair whilst kneeled behind the boy's seated form on the fabric of his makeshift bed of furs and stray cloth.

"I was just wondering... how come you're here with me then?"

"I- ahem...w-we didn't want you to be left alone..." Emil bows his head bashfully, subtly bringing the book closer to his face as to hide his tinted cheeks. The female awes at him.

"You're so sweet," she gives him a closed eye smile and gives him a light kiss on the temple, causing his blush to grow. She giggles, "you don't have to though, you guys won't be gone for long and the enchantment Lukas put over the entrance is enough to hold off anything trying to get in until you get back."

"It's better to be safe than sorry, plus, we don't like leaving you alone like that, it worries us of one of us isn't with you or at least in your area."

"It's not that far."

"We'd miss you," He fires back with a slight glare before growing shy once again after realising his words, huffing and turning his back to her once more. He closes his eyes and leans into her touch as she traces the small dragon horns on his head, "it's not the same without your presence."

(Y/N) clicks her tongue playfully, "You're so clingy."

His eyes snap open, "Am not!" He grabs her wrist, turning and leaning close to her mildly surprised face with an adorable glare before huffing, "we're just protective..." a pout rests on his lips as he crosses his arms across his chest with a frown of irritation. The girl laughs quietly at wraps her arms around his shoulders, resting her chin atop his head.

"Awe, I'm sorry, elskan— you know I didn't mean it." She nuzzles into the crook of his neck, letting out a squeak as the male pulls her from behind him causing her to fall into his lap before giggling. A rare, soft smile makes its way onto his lips at the sight of her, unlike his usual passively annoyed expression— a smile very few get to see, and one that almost only comes out when alone with the woman in front of him. A noticeable blush coats his pale features at the nickname whilst a shudder travels down his spine at the sound of her speaking in his native tongue.

He rolls his eyes as she takes notice of his obviously pigmented cheeks and pokes them playfully. A huff escapes him as he leans down and rubs his nose against hers in an Eskimo kiss, growing aware of the dropping temperature. He eyes the fading fire in the middle of his room, annoyance crossing his features at the thought of it being the cause of his mate's discomfort due to the coldness taking over.
He lets out a gentle breath, frowning as it forms a light cloud of mist in front of him, before pulling her up so she sat up, leaning her head against his chest as she cuddles into his side for warmth.

He bites his lip, thinking of something to say to take her mind off the cold, "What was life like with your tribe?" He lets out a small breath, noticing his plan had worked. (Y/N) hums in thought before answering.

"It was... homey, to say the least," she starts, looking up and absentmindedly playing with a few strands of his hair which he smiles at, "everyone had a part to play, hunters, collectors, harvesters, builders and all the like... it wasn't hard, but not very easy either. I could cope though, and I always had Hedvika to help me through things."

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