Chapter 1

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A/N: The theme song for this book.

The world meeting was far underway and the former Axis powers were still not there...neither was Russia. "Where is that Commie and the "Axis"," America asked England. "How should I know you wanker!" England snapped. Soon, the two of them were arguing like normal. Everyone was soon doing what they normally did.
Suddenly, the doors flew open and the Axis, Russia, and Prussia all walked in. "Sorry we are late," Japan said sitting by China. "It's fine dudes! But why is Prussia here?" America shouted. All eyes went to Prussia. "Some of us have been talking...and we think Prussia should become a country again." Germany said. Everyone froze. It was so silent in the room that you could hear a pin drop.
Russia broke the silence. "I agree to this," he said. "Why would you agree out of all people!" America said. Russia turned to look at him a dark aura surrounding him. "It's my fault Prussia is no longer a country. I think he deserves another chance." Russia said. A few shouts of agreement came from the group of the countries. "I OBJECT!" Austria said standing up, "That THING doesn't deserve to be a country!" Germany stood up to say something, but Italy placed a hand on his arm and whispered something to him. Germany sat back down sighing. "Besides, why should we trust you?" America said. "You are the Axis and Russia is a commie bastard!" Japan stood up catching everyone's attention. "We were the Axis," he said, "We no longer are and Russia-san's Soviet Union days are behind him." "I still don't agree." America growled glaring daggers at Japan. Russia stepped in front of the small nation blocking him from the American's glare. "Are we going to have to fight to make Prussia a country?" Russia asked. "Seem like it..."England muttered. "If that's the case then I'm on America's side!" China said standing up and walking over to America. Russia looked hurt for a second but then said, "I'm on Germany's side then." Everyone froze again as America and Russia glared daggers at each other. This was not good. Two really powerful countries against each other. "If your on America's side go over to him. If your on Germany's side go over to him. If your neutral stay where you are," England said.
France, Canada, China, and surprisingly N. Korea and Austria went over to America. Japan, Italy, Russia, and Hungary went over to Germany. "Iggy! Come join us!" America yelled. England sighed and stood up. "I'm staying out of this one America," he said. "But-" America started. "Leave England alone." said a voice. All the countries turned to see a blonde haired girl with Emerald green eyes walk in. "Who are you?" everyone asked. "I'm England's capital...London," she said, "And me and the other capitals are going to help you during World War 3."

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