Chapter 29

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Japan's POV:

      I paced back and forth holding unto my head, eyes flickering from brown to red and back again. Had I known killing Kuro would have done this to me...I would have just locked him up instead. "Shut up..." I muttered as I stopped in front of a mirror. Kuro's reflection appeared in it. "How can I?" he asked. "Because you killed me, we are now one personality...unless you stand in front of a mirror. This is your own fault." I growled in anger. Why was he so impossible?! "Whatever..." I muttered walking away and he disappeared from the mirror. Oh well...I guess I could use this to my advantage. It was time for my next victim to die~

Vith zhe others~

No one's POV:

      No one could believe it. Konigsberg had just told them all that she had brought the others back. "But how?" England asked looking over at London hoping she could explain. London only shrugged. "It is a very complicated spell..." Konigsberg said. "It takes years of practice which I've had." She was about to say more when the door was blown off it's hinges by an explosion. Everyone ducked under the table and peeked over the edge to see Japan walk in. Tokyo immediately noticed something about him looked different. "Japan..." Russia said standing up. "Sit down!" America snarled only to earn a glare from the Russian. That's when Tokyo realized what was different. One of Japan's eyes were red and the other was brown. "He's part 2P!" Tokyo thought fear coursing through him. The same thing had happened to the Persian Empire...and in the end...he fell. "Russia, America is right. Sit down this instant!" Tokyo snapped. Russia just ignored the capital and walked toward Japan. "Japan...little brother....please...come back to us." he said. Everyone was now calling for Russia to come back. They all knew this was going to end badly.
      Just as Russia reached Japan, another explosion rocked the building sending everyone to the ground. Yet, Japan stayed standing, his katana now drawn and pointing right at Russia. The Russian's eyes were wide, but he didn't move. "Nihon..." he said using Japan's Japanese name hoping that would snap Japan out of whatever he was in. Instead Japan raised his sword to strike. Everyone cried out for Russia to get up and fight, but instead he just smiled as Japan swung down...yet the sword never hit it's target.

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