Chapter 31

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Japan's POV:

      I had been in the mental asylum for about half a year now. I got barely any news of the outside world. All I knew was that the Allies had lost and Capitalia had won. No other nations had to die either...and I still didn't know how that was possible. I banged against the metal bars of my "room". This place was more like a prison than anything. Here they even treated you like prisoners.
      I shivered as an invisible wind blew through the empty hall way. At the moment I was the only one on this floor. Leaning against the wall, I stared at the cell across from me. I hated this place. The whole place smelled like rotten flesh and was dark. Not to mention how it was covered in cobwebs and dirt...oh and the cockroaches and other bugs that infested the entire building.
      Suddenly, I heard footsteps echoing down the hall. "Here he comes again..." Kuro's thoughts echoed in my head. I rolled my eyes. At least Kuro was no longer trying to take control of me for killing him. He now just helped boost my power, comforted me, and was just pretty much there for me when I needed someone. "I know..." I mumbled as America came into sight. Everyday he would come with a message from my "family" or Russia. I wasn't sure if I still considered Russia a brother or an enemy at this point. "I see you're awake today." America said stopping in front of my cell. "And I see you're still alive." I snapped back. "Good idea make him angry..." Kuro mumbled as I rolled my eyes. "Can you stop taking up my thoughts?" I thought and I swore if Kuro was in his "physical" form he would have shrugged.
      "Dude..." America said sighing as he opened my cell door and walked in, "I'm sorry I did this to you, but you attacked everyone. And were killing other nations. Surely you understand?" I just looked away. I knew what I did was horrible...and to be honest I wasn't really sure why I did what I did. It was like I had snapped. But I didn't know what had caused me to snap. Sadness suddenly swept over me like a tsunami. I looked up at the American who was standing over me, concern clearly seen in his eyes. "You need someone who you can actually touch." Kuro said taking up my room for thinking. Again. "I can only comfort you so much. Go ahead and hug him. Maybe admitting your faults and apologizing will fix you and you'll be able to leave."
      I sighed. Kuro was right. Before I knew what I was doing, I was hugging America tightly. He looked as surprised as I felt. I also felt tears fill my eyes, clouding my vision. I was soon sobbing and trying to apologize. America smiled slightly as we sunk down to the ground. He hugged me tightly, whispering soothing words to me. "It's okay...we forgave you a while ago when Tokyo explained why you might have been acting like this." America said. "B-but-" I started but America interrupted me. "He said that the nuclear bombs that were dropped on you had most likely messed when your head and scrambled any sense you had." I felt shocked. So that's why I started feeling weird after a while. I didn't even remember bombs being dropped on me...but then again if what Tokyo told America was true...then that would make sense. I was about to say something else when pain went zipping through me. "But to bad no one else will ever know the truth." I heard America say. "W-what do you mean?!" I asked starting to feel dizzy. "Because you will be dead. And you will also be blamed for your capitals death." he said standing to his feet. I touched my back gently and felt a sticky wet substance. When I pulled my hand away, it was covered in blood. "Good night Nihon." America said standing over me and with his gun pointed at me. I closed my eyes tightly as the gun went off.

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