Chapter 27

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???'s POV:

      I had watched it all go down and now I was watching the group Japan had left almost completely disabled. The poor 1Ps were shocked by Japan's least his allies were. The others were quite surprised as well, but it didn't hurt as much for them since Japan was on the enemy side. I closely watched England, Prussia, and Russia's reactions. England looked stunned that he had been right about the the attacker was, Prussia looked shocked that it was Japan, and Russia...he looked broken. He was after all betrayed and STABBED by someone he thought of as family. I sighed. Poor, poor little countries. They never truly learn do they? I turned around to face my little brother, red eyes meeting red eyes. "Are you sure about this?" he asked nervously. I just nodded. I couldn't speak at all...thanks to something that had happened long ago, but my brother understood me fine. "I mean..we can't just bring certain capitals and countries back..we should bring all of them back," he continued. I sighed again. Why was he always so difficult. Quickly, I signed these words, "We are bring back Tokyo, so he can help stabilize Japan, Moscow to help Russia, and London and Germany to help lead everyone."
     It was my brother's turn to sigh. "Wouldn't it be better to bring Kuro back instead of Tokyo, since Kuro is Japan's 2P and will better stabilize him?" he asked. I face palmed. "Oh..that's right...their personalities' are one now..aren't they?" he said and I nodded. I turned back toward the countries. "Don't worry little ones, your friends will be coming back soon." I thought as I disappeared into the shadows.

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