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(Art is not mine. It belongs to the original artist.)

It took Caesar a few days to send an email to you. The Italian man glad that his Pen pal was a female than a male. He has his experience with other males (refer to Joseph Joestar) and how they act around him but with females, he'll act differently. The blond man stared at the paper he received from one of the classmates.

The paper held your details but no photograph of you. This was disappointing to him because it sparked his curiosity on how do you look like, how will act around him. As he read the paper, a familiar male crept up behind him.

"What are you reading, Caesar?" The blond recognised the voice so well that he rubbed the temple of his head. He pray to God that this idiot will not ruin his friendship that he is creating with his pen pal.

"A piece of paper." He put it away, back in his bag. "What else am I looking at?" The brown haired male gave him a shrug.


Caesar let out a sigh. This is going to be a long day for him.

• • •

You received the email from Caesar during class. The lecturer have given the class a five minute break from an hour of lecture. Your classmates went out either to use the toilet or getting some snacks, so that they won't fall asleep for another hour. Your phone was on the desk so you unlock the screen and check your mail. Maybe I should opted the sending a letter to him, you wondered about that. Maybe getting some Italian stamps could be a hobby. I'll ask him later.

His email said;

To: (Full name)
From: Caesar A. Zeppeli
Subject: Hello there :)

Good day to you signora,
             You've known my name and so do I. I'll skip the introductions for it is a pleasure to meet you and an honour to be your Pen Pal for this Program. I've heard great things from joining this and I hope that we can be great friends.

Sincerely yours,

Woah, just woah. You were impressed on how he was polite in the email. You don't know how long or how many times you read it but damn, for a first impression, that was cool. The word 'signora' made you to be confused for a few second. Your brain clicked and you use google translate to find the meaning of it. Turns out it meant lady in Italian. You tap the reply button on your screen and wrote a reply to him.

To: Caesar A. Zeppeli
From: (Full name)
Re: Hello there :)

Good day to you too Caesar,
             The honour is mine and yes, I agree. I believe we can be great friends in this. Honestly, I am not good at making friends because I'm an introvert. My roommates are the opposite of me. So I kinda stay indoors and play games. I'm a weirdo... Anyway, how is Italy? I hear its a wonderful country with history, culture and most importantly, food.

Best regards,

You questioned that should you delete the sentence about you being an introvert and a weirdo. He shouldn't know about this, right? You were having a dilemma about it; yes or no. Tell him or not tell him. Maybe you should tell him... communication goes both ways and you have to get his trust in order to be great friends with him. You leave it be and tap the send button.

One minute you were happy about sending the email and the other minute, you were freaking out that you should delete the sentence about yourself. You slumped on the desk and you want to melt, to be one with the chair and the floor of the classroom. Few minutes later, you received a reply from him. Hopefully everything is okay. You went to the email app and open the message.

To: (Name)

From: Caesar A. Zeppeli

Re: Hello there :)

Greetings (Name),

           It is quite alright, signora. I hope you do not mind me calling you that. I am trying to be respectful towards you because I do not wish to offend you in any way. Firstly, I do not find you as a 'weirdo'. I have my fair share of meeting one. Do not worry (Name), I find you interesting, to say the least.
         Secondly, Italy is doing amazing as a country. It seems that you are interested in it. Do you wish to visit the country? If so, I could be a guide for you, showing you the best places that no one knows, the best cafe to dine. I am a local after all. Moreover, I could you be your personal translator in my country.
         Lastly, how is your country? I have done my fair share on studying about it . How are the locals there? There are a few dishes that I would like to try with you because they look appetising .

Sincerely yours,

You were blown away by his reply. You thought that he might charmed his way into your heart and made a fool out of yourself, however, he does not. He is trying to be respectful and that is a good thing. There are some men who are not respectful to women. For once, you're glad that Joylne and Trish bribe you to join this program.

Perhaps this wasn't a terrible idea.

You and your brain are having a meeting, on how to write a reply back to him. Your train of thought are starting to leave the station but before it could do so, the lecturer step into the classroom, signalling that the five minute break was over. You made a mental note to reply to him after class ends.

Pen Pal [Caesar Zeppeli x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now