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(Art is not mine. It belongs to the original artist.)

Days later, Trish and Joylne noticed how cheery or happy you look whenever you received a message from Caesar. Turns out, you've been having so much fun chatting with him. He was an interesting guy and you would listen to his rant about one of his friend, Joseph Joestar.

You and Caesar have started from acquaintances to good friends. You chat with Caesar, like how you chatted with Joylne and Trish on a daily basis. There would be times that you would rant about your day and he would comment after you finish it. Then he will tell you about his day. The more you chatted with Caesar, the more the relationship between you and him are increasing.

To: Sunflower Boi
From: (Name)
Subject: Save me :<

Hey hey Caesar,
Turns out the weather was false. I was expecting heavy rainfalls but I was disappointed that it was a cloudy day. Can you believe it?
Plus, I'm siiiicccckkkkk.

Yours truly,

Today, you were stuck in your room. Why? You had a fever, cough and sore throat. You called them the triple threat. Joylne had made chicken noodle soup and Trish brought medicine to your bedside drawer before heading to class. You're thankful to have roommates such as them.

The laptop was on the bed tray, it was turn on and Netflix was on the screen. Your phone was charging. It was 10% when you wake up to inspect it. Somehow you must have forgotten to turn the switch on. A notification alerted you, it came from your laptop. You use the mousepad and direct the mouse cursor to the mail.

From: Sunflower Boi
To: (Name)
Re: Save me :<

Ehilà* (Name),
Sometimes the weather forecast are not quite 100% right. I bet you would stay in your bed or play one of your games from your console and/or laptop. Maybe read a good book too?
Mi dispiace* bella, I wish I could take care of you but cursed the distance between us. If only you are here, I will fight the sickness.

Sincerely yours,

You let out a soft giggle after reading his reply. "You dork.. you cannot fight it." You sat upright and move the cursor to reply his email.

To: Sunflower Boi
From: (Name)
Re: Save me :<

Caesar no,
You cannot fight the sickness. I'm the one who is sick, not you. I really don't mind that, now that I think about it. You as my nurse. That would a great idea. Thanks Caesar.
Anyway, hugging a plushie does not help. I'm in a hugging mood that's why. My roommates are out. Classes.

Yours truly,

"And send!" You tap the mousepad. The email have been sent to Caesar. The nickname that you gave him; Sunflower boi, was the fact that he loves sunflowers. You remember how he told you about it. It was on a boring Sunday, you've got nothing to do and you were running out of questions to ask him. Looking around at your room, you try to seek some inspirations from the decor. One of them caught your eye. It was at the right corner of your room. It was a cacti that was on your desk. Using that as an idea, you wrote your reply to him.

To: Caesar
From: (Name)
Re: Questions

Good afternoon Caesar,
My favourite place to have a nap? That's an easy question! No one can beat having a nap at and on the bed. Both pillow and blanket are there. Alongside with the soft mattress and the comfort of my own room. Plus, privacy won't be an issue. ;P
Now its my turn to ask you a question and honestly, I am running out questions to ask you but thanks to the decor of my room, I have come up with a question for you! What is your favourite flower and why did you chose it as your favourite?

Pen Pal [Caesar Zeppeli x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now