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(Art not mine. It belongs to the artist.)

As the day goes by, the relationship between you and Caesar had blossom into a beautiful friendship. He has earn the title of best friend and the guy who you trust. Trish and Joylne are also in the list as well. Only a few people could enter your trust list. Gaining your trust is a challenge. Few had tried and few had failed.

Finals are approaching. You plan to head back home for the semester break or you have a road trip with Trish and Joylne. If you ask them, they might decline the trip and chose the option to head back to their hometown. You don't blame them, family is important for the both of them.

Glancing at your phone, you wonder if you could ask Caesar on what he was going to do if he was on the semester break. Chilling in the cafe, you sat at your usual spot: a small table near the window that overlook the city. You gently grab the teacup that held your beverage, rose tea and brought the teacup to your lips. Softly, you sip the tea.

After drinking it, you place the teacup down and grabbed your phone.

To: Sunflower Boi
From: (Name)
Subject: Semester Break

Hello there Caesar,
           In my university, Finals week is approaching and I'm not ready for it. I try to study but I don't have the mood the study. I gotta study. To pass and not failed my classes! 
         So I wonder, what will you do during the semester break? My roommates are heading back to their hometown. Me? I'm not sure. I might go on a vacation or a road trip. I feel like it. I kinda... don't feel like heading back home. 

Yours truly,

You send the email to him and place the phone on the table. While waiting for him to reply, you pour the tea from the teapot to the teacup. Soon, the waiter brought the chocolate lava cake to your table.

• • •

As much he wanted to continue his Hamon Training with Joseph, the notification from phone distract him for doing so. The man look over to Caesar, wondering what he is going to do next. He knows Caesar is exceptional for training in Hamon and will not be distracted by a mere notification.

Joseph quickly snatch his phone away. "What's so important than Hamon training, Caesarino?" He held a smirk. Caesar clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Give it back, Jojo." He reach out to grab it but it was out of reach. Joseph took a step back and stick his tongue out.

"No way. Lisa Lisa asked us to train." Said man took a few steps back from Caesar. "And train we shall. I cannot train by myself in this." And took more steps backwards, adding space between him and the Italian man. "Let's make this a challenge; if you win, I give your phone back. If I win, I'll keep it."

"Sfida accettata, idiota*," Caesar hissed lowly.

Sfida accettata, idiota : Challenge accepted, idiot

Pen Pal [Caesar Zeppeli x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now