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(Art not mine. It belongs to the original artist.)

Caesar was downright nervous. He shouldn't be nervous in the first place. A Zeppeli doesn't get nervous! Not all all! He didn't get nervous when conquering the Tower, he didn't get nervous when he beat up people with the wrench! No he doesn't! Question is: why is he nervous? What cause this appear? There should a reason he is acting this way.

Was it you? The person who inflicted the nervous feeling deep within his mind. Could it be? There's no way right? As he mulled over the feeling, he was staring at his phone with a stoic look on his face. It's been a few hours after he sent the email to you.

Maybe she's studying right now. Maybe she's having a snack. Maybe her phone is off. Hundreds of 'maybes' are popping left and right in his head. First of all, why should he act this way? You're just a friend to him. A pen pal and nothing else. Just a person who have platonic relationship with him.

That's all. Nothing else for him to pursue a romantic route in the relationship between you and him.

• • •

Joseph eyed Caesar in his room by staring through the keyhole. His curiosity has piped quite high after figuring the reaction that the Italian gave him when he stole his phone from him. The Brit leaned on the wall — after taking a few steps away from the door, arms crossed. He began to think (which was rare for man such as himself) about what is so important in Caesar's phone.

It has to be someone important to him. Couldn't be his father? He's already dead. Siblings? Nah, they haven't made contact to him. Old family members? Could it be? Perhaps so but Joseph will get to the bottom of this.

Even though the end result is to piss off Caesar even more.

• • •

After having a break, it took longer than a few minutes. You predicted that the break was a few minutes than an hour or two. You regretted your life choices but what can you do. What's done is done and there's no way that you can turn back time to redo the things that you make.

Heading back to you room, you plopped on the chair and lean back. The break was worth it, you felt your energy have been replenish from eating snacks and drinking your favourite beverage. You then eyed your phone that was resting phone screen down on the surface of the table.

Checking your phone won't hurt. Right?

Your hand absently hovered to the phone and gently pick it up. Leaning forward, the screen lights up. It informed you that Caesar had replied to your message a few minutes ago. Smiling to yourself, you unlock the screen and waited for the mail app to load the reply.

Few seconds later, the app revealed the Caesar's reply to you. Your smile widened in glee as you read it. Ah, what a nice person, you thought to yourself (unaware that you spoke aloud). You keep rereading his reply. One thing about Caesar's reply: he is just way too polite and mature. Only his was the best to write such a reply. A thought appeared in your head; what if other pen pal has different way of writing their own reply. Yours is a mixed of polite and childish. Besides, isn't that how people know their pen pal's personality, through their writing style?

It could be the opposite? You feared about being catfish by someone else. There is a show about that and you like the show. Joylne and Trish shared their experience about having a long distance friendship, from what they have told you; this program does not accept students to catfish their pen pal. The pen pal program is serious about the catfish problem.

Thank goodness that there are no news about students being catfish by their pen pal.

Your finger went to tap reply on the screen. "Better to inform him that I'm studying. Not procrastinating." Later on, your fingers type out your reply to his.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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