Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

(Hello everyone I'm back! Sorry for the very short and not interesting chapter, but I got a nice one for you! Enjoy)

I wake up in our nice, warm bed. Peeta is still asleep beside me. I slowly unwrap myself from around him, luckily I don't wake him up. I walk over to the opened window and sit on the big window ceil with two red and gold pillows. The beautiful, light, constant wind gently blowing my hair behind my head and down my back.

I close my eyes and try to memorize the sounds and the way air rushed through the room like a newly freed horse. I open them and I know my mind will never give this place justice. I pull my knees to my chest, or as close as I could get with my pregnant stomach. I rest my head on top of my knees and let tears escape. I know this my last day here.

Even though 12 will near compare to this, 12 is home. 12 is where I want to live out my life. 12 is where I want Ava to be born. Ill always choice 12 over anywhere. Or thats what i keep trying to telling myself.

While thinking this I watch the sunrise. It's beautiful. After a while of just sitting there and watching the sun rise to the sky, I hear Peeta waking up. He sits up, eyes still closed, and reach over to my empty side of the bed. When he notices I'm not there, he quickly opens his eyes. Carefully searching the room until they finally land on me.

He lets out a breathe at the sight of me. He slowly gets out of bed with just his boxers on. He smiles when he notices I have on one of his old tee shirts and some shorts.

Peeta come and picks me up around the waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls back and lightly kisses me. He leaves me dazed as he pulls back. By now he knows that look and he gives me a big smile and kisses me again. This time more passionate and urging.

Finally he pulls away, his arms still around my waist. I smile up at him, then he sits down on the window ceil next to me and pulls me on his lap. I lay my head against his shoulder, my legs hanging off the end. Out of habit I place my hands on the top of my new stomach. Then Peeta starts to draw designs of flowers and random circles across my stomach.

"We have to leave today." I say to Peeta. He is still focused on the flower he's working on so he doesn't answer.

Still not looking up from his fake drawing he says, "Can't we just wait until tonight?" I smile, I wanted to wait the longest we could too.

"Sure, but first," my stomach rumbles and I laugh along with Peeta as he finishes my sentence, "Breakfast time!" He spins me around before finally sitting me down and grabbing my hand and leading me down stairs to the kitchen.

I sit down at one of the chairs at the bar and watch Peeta start some fancy meal. As soon as the meal was all eaten, we both went and got ready then headed into town.


Hi everyone! I'm finding it harder and harder to write and I'm not getting any feed back about it. So I'm a little lost about how you guys are liking this story. Please tell me what you think. Because if its not very good I don't want to be wasting my time. :(


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