2. 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝙸𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍, 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚈𝚘𝚛𝚔

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I was sitting in my nigga powers car waiting on him so we can bust a move on that nigga Dennis , he was from the other side . . He came up and got in the car . He pulled off .

I was waiting impatiently..

Ayo it's gone be mad Stapleton niggas out there son".

I don't care how many we gotta go through , we dropping Dennis tonight".

Me and my brothers were chilling at the table in our watching some old king fu clicks . Both Darius & Dante were born with muscular dystrophy that prevents them from doing things that kids their age would be able to do . Both being confined to a wheelchair , I try to make their day a little brighter just kickin it with them .

Yo I love this shit nigga ".My brother Darius said as he drug his words referring to the king fu movie we was watching in the living room .

I know kid how many times are you gone watch it .? ". I said laughing.

Awe I got you Dee". I said turning the page of his comics . He was unable to move or talk

Aye turn that shit off son, it's time to eat , come on yo". I said to Darius
He turned the tv off and moved to the table . I went into my mothers room and she was sleep with a wine bottle on the side of her .


We pulled up to the apartments and power turned the headlights off and parked .


Y'all hungry y'all ready for this oatmeal". I said scooping the oatmeal in the bowl . I hate that I had to feed them this but this is all I could afford . Days gonna get better for sure .

Yo this my comic". I looked down at Darius' book . " yo
This was right before Tony stark got paralyzed. He was in a wheelchair too, just like y'all but he was still a superhero".

What- what happened".

Oh what happened ? He got shot . His ex girl put one through him . You see this nigga fucked up all the bad guys , but in the end all it took was a crazy ass bitch to lay iron man down". I said feeding him oatmeal and wiping his lip . We started laughing and then whole round of gunshots ran through our apartment i had to knock them down onto the floor and shield both of them . more shots rang out while I was doing my best to protect them .
After I decided it was time to get up I helped my brothers up .

Yooo you okay " I said as I helped Dante up

Yo nigga you ... you almost killed me".  Darius said

My bad son". . I picked the shit that fell off the table and noticed bullet holes that led to my moms room. I quickly ran into the room and my mom was on her stomach I quickly ran over to her and noticed that she was covered in red

Yo ma" I shook her hard

What is it ? Is it morning already ?". She said sluggish. I turned her over just to notice it was red wine she spilled after she drunk her self to sleep .

What ?.. " she said sluggish . I just left her

Wake me in a hour". She said as I left out her room . I went into my room and grabbed a sneaker box that had a gun in it . I took the gun out and got my coat on and stormed out the door .

I sprayed about 20 rounds into dennis' house . We pulled off and heard sirens .

Yo the police came mad fast son ".

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