𝟹. 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍

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I was still in the basement making sounds . What me and Sha laid down the day before was fire . I was writing lyrics but couldn't find the write words to say. I got frustrated .

" fighting over the same dollars so no exploring the unity .. they call me a dreamer cause I dream I'm soon to be .. away from the schemers and all of the buffoonery... yeah I like that shit". I said as I wrote the lyrics down in my rhyme book .

Yo Bobby you still down there". Divine came coming down the stairs " yo Bobby you supposed to be out there doing pickups".

Oh shit ". I said forgetful I got up " ayo what time is it ?".

Yo never mind all that you so focused on your records you don't even know what happened last night".  He said pulling at sone headphones and accidentally unplugging them and the track me and Sha made the other day played . I paused it

So what happened last night?". I asked

Dennis got his crib shot up".

What .? Is everybody good ?". I said

Everyone was lucky ".

Ite good "

That track you was playing . Who was rhyming on it ?".

That was Sha ".

And when y'all record it ?". He asked

A while ago why ? ".

Go do yo pickups .. I'm going to bed". He said going up the stairs .


I put my lip gloss on and sat down

Ooh I'm telling mommy ". My little brother randy said .

Mind your business". I said rolling me eyes " come on before you be late to school".

Alright". We got up and I put my jacket on and we headed out the door. Luckily my school was a couple of blocks from his school so I can easily take him to and from school . I had to be the other parent since my mom works doubles just so we can have a roof over our head . I had to cook , clean , and make sure everybody was okay. I didn't mind either .

We was walking up to school when I saw my girl andraya she lived a few blocks down .. we both went to the same school but she was a year older than me but she was alway a cool person . When I do get some time to my self I always gone hang with draya . She came walking up to us

Hey draya". I said

Hey girl". She hugged me . She had such a cool spirit . " it's already Monday ... I'm so tired of school .

Yeah me too .. at least you got a few months a got a whole year left".

It's gone fly by. I remember just being a freshman now I'm finna graduate". We began to walk .

So you going to college ?".

I don't even know . Moms cant afford it and I don't wanna be in debt till I'm 52 but girlfriend gotta figure it out soon. Graduation in 4 months".

I don't even know what I wanna do".

It's okay .. just make sure what ever you do it's because you wanna do it ".


Wassup lil randy". She said holding her hand out for him to smack .

Hey ". He smacked her hand .

You doing good in school ?".


That's good keep it up .. how everybody doing?"

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