7. Square One

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Sunday Afternoon ..


I was just laying in bed .. just staring at the ceiling . I had a lot going on my mind ,that fire opened my eyes . We damn near was going to die in that house if we didn't think as fast as we did . everything that was almost taken care of , is now gone . Back to square one . I barely wanted to serve but I would do anything to get my brother out . I had a lot on my mind . I gotta provide for my family somehow .

I got off my bed and started to get dressed for the day.


I grabbed a towel around me as I hopped out the shower . I wrapped the towel around my body And went into my mothers room . She was up watching some soap operas.

Hey mommy". I said

Hey". She said too focusing on the Tv

I'm going to Staten Island in a lil while". She waved me off

Okay be safe out there". I shook my head and closed her door.

I went back to my room and got ready . I decided to go comfortable . It was cool outside so I wore sweats and a little cropped shirt .

I went to the kitchen to grab an orange

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I went to the kitchen to grab an orange . My brother Reese was sitting on the couch .

Wassup ?". He says lifting the remote turning through channels .

wassup?". I said about to leave . Me and my brothers relationship wasn't the best . He just really didn't care about me or my mother  in my opinion. And in my book , Once someone shows me their true colors it's a wrap .

You in a rush ? where you headed?".  He says

To Staten Island". I replied and he nodded

Who out there?".

Don't worry about that . I don't be in your business don't be in mine ".

Aye watch your tone . I'm still yo big brother". I chuckled and shook my head

Could've fooled me" I shit back

What's that shit supposed to mean".

Nothing at all.. bye ". I said getting aggravated by him
I grabbed my keys and I headed out the door . I had to catch the trolley.

Moms was at work as usual and I was stuck to play mommy #2 to randy once again I was really fed up . Not today , I wanted to do something for myself at least one day. But no , I have to watch after Randy .

Our house phone rung  . I walked over to the wall where the phone was and answered it .

Hello ?". I said

Yo hey girl". Deneice said


What you doing today. It's feeling mad good outside, you know the weather be bipolar , let's enjoy this little heat ".

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