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I decided to take Gary on the offer of a date . He said he was gonna take me to Times Squares . I never been .He knocked on my door and I opened it . He came with flowers in his hand .

Hey wassup ?". He said smiling handing me the flowers and giving me a hug .

Hey.. ohh flowers , this is nice". I hugged him back and I smelled the flowers .

Yeah this my first time getting flowers , ion know what y'all ladies like ".

Well these good ". He came in and sat down on the chair .

Where's ya moms at ?".

Work as usual ". He nods

You look good mama".

You look nice too

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You look nice too . I like the white get up ". He dusts his self off .

Yeah I'm nice if I don't say so myself .. I can get you one . You can match my fly ". I laughed

Yeah yeah .. you ready ". I said grabbing my purse .

You fiesty ain't you ?".

Depends". I said shrugging my shoulders . We walk out the apartment and I locked the doors . We went inside his car .

He started it up .

You know traffic mad wild down there . So it might take some time".

We ain't got nothing but time.. it's cool ". I said He looked at me and smiled . He pulled off and got on the highway . I got the courage to talk . I'm usually shy . I'm surprised I said yes to this date .

Tell me about yourself".

Ha.. well I'm just cool you know I like to stay out the way . I work and I rap . Just trying to make it". I nodded .

He glanced at me

what's your story ?". I laughed

I'm a junior in high school , just trying to get everything done so I can be valedictorian next year , I stay to myself .. all that other stuff is for the birds . I just do me ".

I feel you . Hunnit percent . I like that ".

Thank you ". The ride was quiet the rest of the way . We found a parking spot a few blocks  back and we walked to Times Square . I looked up at all the billboards .

This is nice ". I said

Yeah . I can't wait till I see me or my family up there ".

You gotta believe it . Speak it into existence". I nudged him. We continued to walk 

What's your brothers name ".

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