SkepHalo "I'm Fine..."

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Zak's POV:

Monday drifted around. I could tell Darryl was nervous a bit. I set up the stuff for the stream. I heard a unknown voice and Darryl's voice. I went by the door. Thankfully the door was closed.

"When were you gonna tell me He was moving in?!" Darryl's roommate said. I never met his roommate yet, or heard his voice. "He was in a bad place! I couldn't let him stay their." Darryl protested. "Bad place? What is that supposed to mean?!" His roomate Asked.

"Callahan" Darry began (idk his roommate) "I'm not gonna tell you about his background". "Then are you gonna intreuduse me to him?" Asks Callahan. "After the stream" Darryl says going to his room and closeing the door.

I go to my desk and sit in my gaming chair. I start the premiere and watch the viewers spam the chat asking why am I doing it again. I get on TS and move Darryl to my channel. "You ready for this?" Asks Darryl. "As ready as I'll ever be" I say.

The time for Mcm comes and me and Darryl start our streams. "Hey guys! How are you all doing?" I ask the viewers with my mic muted. I get mixed replies. I ignore the questions from when they say my dad beat me.

I unmute my mic. "Hey baaaaaaaaaad!" I say in a happy tone. Of corse the tone was fake. "Hey Skeppy! Ready to win this?" He says excitedly. "Sure am!" I respond trying to mach his excitement.

The end comes around and we got second by 1 point. "WHAT?!?? BY 1 POINT!!" Darryl yells. "Yep" I responded. A6 joins our call. "Gg you guys" He says. "Gg" I responded. "If you 2 got 2 more points-" he begins. "EHHHHH!" Darry interrupted. Vincent laughs.

Vin stops laughing . "Skep are you okay? I saw something happen on your stream." His voice becomes more serious. "What do you mean?" I ask acting clueless. "The stream that you trolled bad in." He explains. "I don't know what your talking about" I responded hesitantly.

The flashbacks of the past comes flooding back. Tears form in my eyes and i immediately wipe away. "You-" He begins. "HOW DO SAY DR. PEPPER IN FRENCH A6D?!" Darryl interrupted.

Darryl's POV:

I interrupted Vincent. "It's Dr. Pepper" Vin says."No French" I say. "It'S dR. PepPeR!" He yells. "IN FRENCH" I responded yelling. He sighs. "What I'm wondering" I say. "We already had this argument." He says. "Then What about Pepsi?" I ask. "It's. Pepsi" He says.

"In French A6D. Not in English, in French" I say. "PEPSI!" He yells. After a while of arguing, we end our streams. Me and Zak leave to call. I go to Zak's room and knock on the door. "Yeah?" I hear him ask.

I open the door and he looks at me. "I wanna intreuduse you to someone" I say. "Okay" He says walking to the door. We go to the living room and he sits on the couch. I signal him to cover his ears and he does. I grab 2 pots. "CALLAHAN GET IN THE LIVING-ROOM" i yell and and bang the pots together.

Zak uncover's of his ears and Callahan stumbles out. "Wow you couldn't be more gentle?" He wines. I set the pots down. "This is our new roommate" I say as he enters the living room. He looks at Zak. "Hey"He says. Zak waves back. I make dinner after 2 hours of all of us talking.

"No thanks I'm not hungry" Zak says when I offer him food. "Zak you need to eat, you haven't eaten since you moved in" I say. "I don't need food" he says. "Yes you do" i protest. "How much did your parents feed you?!" I ask remembering how he suffered from them.

"About... 3 Times per month" He says quietly. "Oh My Goodness! No wonder your so light!" I say slightly yelling. He goes silent and looks at the ground. I sit down next to him. I put my hand on his face. He pulls back as he looks up at me.

He runs to his room and lock the door. I sigh quietly. After a day he comes out. I was sitting in my dark room editing a vid I recorded with Dream. I go to get a drink and saw Zak walking to his room with a light blue water bottle in hand. I walk over to him.

He jumps slightly when he sees he. "You okay?" I ask him. He nods smiling slightly. I look into his eyes. They had a faint sadness is them. "You sure?" I ask. "Yeah I'm fine" he says looking away from me.


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