Flowers for a masked god

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Hanahaki Disease

A disease where a victim of one sided love vomits or coughs up the pedals of a plant growing in their lungs. The pedals eventually grow large enough to render breathing, and results to death. The disease ends when the said person returns their love or the victim dies... it could also be removed threw surgery. But once the infection is removed, so is the romantic feelings for said person..

Fundy sits on the broken Manburg walls. It was the most peaceful day lately. As he took a deep breath, he feels something in his throat. He coughs to get it out. It was a petal.. Fundy stared at the petal in shock, his (fox) ears pressed flat against his head. He grips the petal tightly. He debates with himself if he should tell anyone or not. The others would probably notice sooner or later. He heard his name be called by Schlatt. Fundy takes a deep breath before going over to him. He forced his ears up straight before Schlatt notices. Turns out he called a meeting and Fundy was the only one not there.
7 or 8 more petals came up while the meeting was going. Tubbo looked worried for his friend. Fundy was the person closest person to Wilbur that Tubbo knew. Even though he stayed in Manburg after Wilbur got kicked out. After the meeting was over, Tubbo confronted Fundy. "Hey, during the meeting you were coughing, is everything alright?" Tubbo asks. Fundy nods and says "Yep everything's alright". He felt bad for lying, but didn't show it. Tubbo didn't believe him, but didn't say anything about it. Tubbo left Fundy alone, not wanting to piss him off.
Fundy sits on top of the cliff, looking down at the broken country below. Footsteps approach from behind him. He looks back to see his father, Wilbur. "Oh, hey dad" Fundy says. "Hey, everything alright?" Wilbur asks, concerned. Fundy nods and says "yeah I'm good". But then his body proves him wrong. He vomits flower petals and blood. Wilbur gets a look of worry as he comforts Fundy. "Obviously not" Wilbur states. Fundy goes silent. Suddenly, Wilbur and Fundy gets pulled away from each other. Quackity was holding Fundy back, while Schlatt had a tight grip on Wilbur. "Well well well, what do we have here?" Schlatt asks. "LET GO OF HIM!" Fundy demands. "Or else what?" Schlatt asks teasingly, looking over at Fundy. Before Fundy could answer, he coughs up a few petals.
Schlatt looks at the petals. "Quackity, bring him to my office. I'll talk to him later" Schlatt says. Quackity nods and drags Fundy to the President's office.

Meanwhile with Dream

He paces back and forth, waiting for his friend to return from Manburg. Techno was leaning against a tree, watching Dream. Dream was starting to get worried, after about a half an hour, and Wilbur still hasn't returned. Techno takes notice. "He's probably off doing something else while coming back" techno suggests. "Maybe.. what if he got taken? What if Schlatt killed him?!" Dream says, starting to panic. Techno puts his hands on Dream's shoulders and says, "Wilbur's strong, he'll return". His words helped Dream calm down a bit.
Techno sits on the ground with Dream. A little while later, Tommy returns. "Hey, have you seen Wilbur?" Techno asks. "No, not sense I left. I thought he was here with you guys" Tommy says. It goes silent. Dream started internally panicking. Tommy sits down next to them. Dream moves his mask infront of his face, to hide the panic in his eyes.

With Wilbur

Wilbur was tied up in an unknown room. For light, it was only a small light that hung from the ceiling. Who knows how much time passed before Schlatt took him out of the room. He brings him to a bridge, over a nearby river. Wilbur saw a look of fear in Niki's eyes. Fundy had that same look. Schlatt puts a foot on Wilbur's back, and pushes him into the water. The water was freezing. He feels his body slam against sharp rocks. He didn't want to accept that this was it. Suddenly, he feels fish scales under him. Right after, he passes out due to lack of oxygen. The salmons bring Wilbur to the shore. Fundy and Dream run to Wilbur's limp body.
Dream starts to preform CPR on Wilbur. Fundy didn't really know what to do. Wilbur eventually coughs the water up. As Wilbur sits up, Fundy hugs him. Wilbur hugs him back. "You alright? You're injured.." Dream asks, looking over the wounds with got from the rocks. Fundy and Wilbur release their hug. "I'm fine, it's just a couple scratches" Wilbur says, looking over at Dream. Him and Fundy help Wilbur back to the base. Techno treats Wilbur's wounds. Fundy looks at Dream. Everything about him seemed perfect in the Fox's eyes.
Fundy looked away after realizing he was staring. He felt a warm hand rub his head. He looks over to see Dream smiling at him. This made Fundy blush like hell. They chatted for a bit. Dream soon took notice that Fundy was coughing every now and then. "Are you okay?" Dream asks. "Yeah, why ask?" Fundy responds. "You're coughing" Dream states. Fundy looks away from Dream, his ears laying flat on his head, and tail between his legs. He obviously didn't want to talk about it. "You're gonna have to tell me eventually" Dream says, breaking the silence between the 2. Fundy nods as if saying, 'I know...'.
Dream drops a invisibility splash potion between to 2. He pushes Fundy against the wall, them both being invisible. Fundy quietly yelps out of surprise. "Seriously, what's wrong?" Dream asks, sternly. "I-I don't know! I-I've just been coughing and vomiting petals!" Fundy responds, quietly. Dream is silent for a few moments before muttering, "hanahaki disease...". Fundy looks at Dream in confusion. Dream backs up from Fundy as they both turn visible again. Techno had just finished bandaging Wilbur's wounds. He looks over at Fundy and Dream. Fundy still had a small look of confusion.
Techno brings Fundy outside. "Don't think I didn't notice the blush. So, you got a crush on Dream?" Techno asks jokingly. "What?! No!" Fundy says in a offended tone, crossing his arms, and looking away. Techno chuckles, causing Fundy to look at him. "Someone's embarrassed" Techno teases. "Sh-shut up" Fundy stutters. "Alright alright" Techno says as they both go back inside. Wilbur was trying to get up but Dream was having none of it. Fundy sits my his father's side. Wilbur stops trying to get up as Fundy sits next to him. Dream sits down watching Wilbur, making sure he didn't try to get up. Fundy watches as Techno whispers something to Dream. He looks over at the Fox hybrid and motions him to follow. Dream and Fundy gets up, leaving Techno to keep his brother sitting.
Dream leads Fundy out of Pogtopia. Dream just hugs Fundy. Fundy hugs Dream back, not knowing why the hug was happening. "Fundy, please... don't hide anything from me.." Dream whispers. Fundy looks up at Dream. "I don't want to lose you..." Dream says, tears threatening to fall behind the mask. Fundy moves Dream's mask away from his face and wipes his tears. "Dream your not gonna lose me. I don't know what made you care about me all of a sudden, but i promise your not gonna lost me" Fundy says. "I always cared about you!" Dream said.
Dream pulled Fundy back into the hug. After a while, Dream managed to calm down. Dream mutters something, but Fundy only made out 6 words. 'I love little furry'. "I'm not a furry" Fundy says, looking up at Dream. "Nope, you're are a furry" Dream teases "you can't deny it!" Fundy crosses his arms, looking away from Dream. He kisses Fundy forehead and says, "C'mon, let's not keep them waiting". Fundy nods, blushing. Once back in Pogtopia, Wilbur was playing guitar. Dream sits down, Fundy sitting down at his side. "Wilbur~ I think your son found a bitch~" Techno says jokingly.
Wilbur looks up from playing to Dream and Fundy. "Wow, I thought you didn't need anyone" Wilbur laughs. "Shut up" Dream blushes, looking away from Wilbur. Fundy glares at him. Both Techno and Wilbur start laughing. Tommy walks over to them, confused. "What are you 2 laughing about?" Tommy asks them. "How Fundy made Dream his bitch" Techno laughs. Dream draws his sword and starts fighting techno. Fundy breaks them up and sits Dream down. "Damn Fundy, you got him under control" Tommy laughs. "Why you little-" Dream starts, drawing his sword.
"Dream" Fundy threatens. Dream puts away his sword, glaring at Tommy. "You just proved my point" Tommy says. "Alright alright that's enough Tommy" Wilbur says. Tommy sits down with his brothers. Dream stayed in Pogtopia until Wilbur's wounds were healed, then went to Manburg with Fundy to get his stuff. "What's going on here?" Schlatt asks as they were leaving. "I'm taking him away from here" Dream states. "Dream, I respect you, but you are not taking Fundy" Schlatt says. "Just watch me" Dream growls, dragging Fundy out of the country.

Idk what else to put so,The End

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