Muted studies

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Suggestion by: Slyonalexis

⚠️Blood, self harm

Zelk was a collage boy, on his second year. He was excited about summer break coming. But exam after exam was coming. He walks to the library, with his computer and books. Sitting down at a corner table, he spots a short boy, blue hoodie, brown fluffy hair, and a green scarf covering his mouth and nose. He had a flute case with him. Zelk couldn't focus on studying, he was distracted by the shorter male. He could saw him playing the flute while looking away from the table. Zelk mustered up the courage and approaches the boy. "Hey" Zelk says. The unknown male looks up at Zelk and waves.
"I'm Zelk, you?" He asks. The boy types on his phone and shows it to Zelk. "I'm Mega" it read. "Mega, that's a cool name" Zelk complements. "Oh, thanks!" They have a nice conversation, before they had to leave due to the library closing for the night. They keep up this routine for a while, Mega was helping Zelk with studying. But Zelk never got a good look at Mega's face. It was always covered by that scarf. It frustrated Zelk greatly. Without thinking, Zelk cupped his hand  on Mega's cheek, hooking his thumb on the side of the scarf. Mega pulled away Zelk's hand from his face.
"Sorry.." Zelk says quietly, looking back at his work. Mega could feel his face heat up. He grabs a sticky note, writes "It's okay" on it, and shows it to Zelk. He looks up at Mega, to see a little bit of blush showing from the top of his scarf. He chuckles and Mega gives him a confused look. "Your blushing" Zelk says teasingly. Mega looks away from Zelk. Mega shows Zelk his phone. "It doesn't mean anything! I'm just embarrassed!" It read. "Yeah right" Zelk teased. Mega crosses his arms. Zelk chuckles at the smaller's embarrassment. They soon had to leave. He couldn't wait to get back to his dorm and get a shower taken.
His roommate was out for the night. He goes into the bathroom with a towel and change of clothes. He starts the shower and undressed himself. He haven't showered in awhile, so he needed one. He gets in the shower and puts shampoo and conditioner in his hair. The shower was rather quick. Zelk barley slept, thinking about Mega. He changes into clothes for school, got his stuff together, and heads to his first class. Threw the whole class, he was sketching Mega. The classes were review for the final exams.
On his last class, the popular kid, who was called Schlatt, takes his sketchbook. "Hey! Give that back!" Zelk yells, looking at Schlatt. He ignores Zelk, and the teacher yells at Zelk to quiet down. "Damn you got a weird obsession with his kid" Schlatt chuckles. Zelk snatches back the sketchbook. Schlatt teases him for the rest of the class. Or until Zelk had enough. He stands up, turns to Schlatt, and hits him upside the head with the sketchbook. "ZELKAM! DETENTION!" The teacher yells. Zelk notices that the whole class was staring at him. The bell rings, he grabs his stuff, and goes to detention. He throws his stuff on a chair, and sit on the chair next to it.
Zelk plays on his phone under his desk. He hears the door open and close. Soon after he hears a text to speech robotic voice say, "Sorry Mr. G, I forgot to turn this in during class". Zelk looks up to see a kid in a light blue hoodie, with the hood up, standing infront of the teacher. "Thank you, feel free to come for help anytime" The teacher says. "Can't you use your words like a normal person?!" Zelk yells, still pissed from what happened during class. "Zelkam, this is detention, be silent" the teacher demands. Zelk rolls his eyes and goes back to his phone. The kid walks out of the room, and Zelk could feel the teacher's glare on him. After a hour or so, he is dismissed. He goes to the library to see Mega. But he wasn't there.
Zelk was starting to worry. None of his messages were going threw. There was flute music playing from one of the speakers that a student had. Zelk heads back to his dorm after the library closed. His roommate, Skeppy, was on the couch with Bad watching a movie. Zelk ignores them and locks himself in his room. He heard soft flute music playing from the room above. He soon falls asleep the the music. Mega avoid Zelk for the next few days. He was in the school bathroom. He gets pushed against the wall. Looking up, he sees Zelk.
"Why are avoiding me?" Zelk asks in a stern tone. Mega looks away, only to have Zelk puts his index finger under the scarf where his chin is, and his thumb on his chin. Forcing Mega to look at him. Mega pushes him away, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "Mega?" Zelk asks, but now his voice is filled with concern. Mega breaks down and collapses. But Zelk catches him. Mega burying his face in Zelk's shirt. Zelk comforts Mega. 2 classes pass and Mega finally stops crying. They were sitting under the sinks.
"Your right.. I'm not a normal person.." a robotic voice comes from Mega's phone, him using text to speech. "What was y- no no no you are normal!" Zelk desperately says. "I'm not, I can't even talk.." the voice says. "That doesn't make you different" Zelk comforts. Mega puts his phone on the ground, and hugs him. Zelk hugs back. As soon and the hug releases, Zelk slightly tugs at Mega's scarf, as if asking to take it off. Mega nods, and Zelk moves the scarf down. Mega's right side of his face and a darker skin tone then his left. Zelk smiles slightly.
"Cute.." Zelk thinks out loud. Mega starts blushing like hell. He pulls his scarf over his face. SapNap and Karl walk into the bathroom. Both Mega and Zelk hide. The 2 that walked in vaped for a good 2 minutes before going back to class. The 2 come out from under the sinks and Zelk picks up Mega, and sits him on the counter, se they're almost the same hight. Zelk kisses Mega, and mega kisses back. They had a short make out session before Zelk noticed something under Mega's sleeves. He resealed the kiss and rolls up Mega's sleeve. To reveal deep cuts and scars.

Mega quickly pulls his arm away and pulls up his sleeve

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Mega quickly pulls his arm away and pulls up his sleeve. "Mega, show me your arms" Zelk says. Mega shakes his head no. Zelk didn't take no for an answer. He grabs both his wrists in one hand, and rolls up his sleeves with the other. They were both like that. Zelk looks up at Mega, who was on the verge of tears. Zelk let's go and hands mega his phone. "How long has this been going on?" Zelk asks. "A while.." the robotic voice responds. Zelk hugs Mega. "Please.. don't cut yourself" He pleads. Mega hugs back and doesn't respond. He had pulled up his sleeves already. A teacher walks in the bathroom. "Zelkam, Mega, get to class" the teacher says. "What period is it?" Zelk asks. The teacher sends them to the principle's office.
Mega was nervous. "Skipping classes?! I expected this from you Zelk, but Mega?!"the principle says. "Detention, both of you" he says. The 2 students nod and head off to their classes. During detention, Zelk and Mega were passing notes. Mega did small tests on Zelk for the finals. Zelk got at least a passing grade. Mega smiles at Zelk, which made Zelk's heart melt. Mega taps Hamilton, the song 'Wait for it' to be exact, on his notebook. "Wanna go get something to eat after this?" Zelk asks. Mega looks over at Zelk and nods.
Zelk took him to a nice restaurant. Every sharp object catches Mega attention. After their date, they both go back to their dorms. Mega shared a dorm with one of the other popular kids, Dream. Mega locked himself in his room, like normal. He grabbed his razor blade and rolls up his sleeve. He stops himself before the blade hit his skin. He thought about what Zelk said. He then quickly does a quick cut. Blood dripped down his arm. He cleans it up and hides the blade. He heard Dream talking with George and SapNap. Mega's bad Zelk's next date, Zelk asked mega to be his boyfriend. Mega accepted. They got a dorm together. Summer break came. Mega stayed with Zelk. They stayed together.

The end

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