A long lost acquaintance?

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hi! I am back with another part ..Sorry for this late update.  thank you for all ur comments, reads & votes .. please continue to support this book. I'll try to post episodes frequently. Also feel free to share ur opinions on the story, characters & my writing through comments. Please do vote .. 

So let's start from where we paused.....!


PRECAP: Sidisha's growing friendship. Sid trying hard to finish his target cases and the team helping him.


THE NEXT MORNING : (at sanjivani, at meeting)

Shashank:  I am really surprised as to why are we still discussing this, when I made myself clear about it!

Anjali: But dad! 

Shashank glares at her..

Anjali: Sorry sir! but I think there's no big deal if one general ward is turned as a luxury ward! 

Juhi: but its not measured that way.. anjali.. one general ward can accommodate about 100 patients at a time.. that's a big deal where if it turns out to be luxury ward it will be used for treating 10-15 patients which is ridiculous!

Vardaan: Dr. Juhi , u r right. but the amount of funds we get from the luxury ward is multiple times the funds we get from the general & we have those generous doctors who doesn't even register their names & treat the patients.. I mean seriously they are working for this hospital & u r not strict on them . if they want to do service they have to establish their own practice .. not reap the benefits of stipend they get & exploit the hospital resources & build-up their goodwill..

Shashank: Oh please just stop. mr . Vardaan , reaping the benefits of  stipend & exploiting the hospital resources? U should choose ur words carefully.. I know whom u r trying to blame.. U also know that they have not even taken their  stipend for so many months because they could help some patients.. they are the one who immensely supported in updating our treatment aids ..  

Vardaan: Oh that  doesn't...(shashank angrily interrupts)

Shashank: I am not yet finished!  U know they are the persons who are working on building Sanjivani's reputation & trust and  u should concentrate on those who making money without properly doing their duties .. & the persons who are influencing , encouraging such people..!(giving him a deadly glare) [u should know by now that he is talking about Rishab & Vardaan] I think u know them very well  (with smirk). Mr. Vardaan I think ur involvement  in doctor duties is not appreciable, so u please better stay away from this .. 

if everybody is clear of my words ,I would like to end the meeting.. Dr. Juhi , please stay back we have to discuss about patient in room no. 221

All leave  from & vardaan  before leaving just looks at Anjali .. trying to say something but leaves ..

Anjali tries to speak to her dad.. but shashank in bad mood says: i think i made clear whom to stay & whom not to..! saying this he turns other side facing the wall..

Anjali is taken aback with his reaction..! just then Juhi touches her shoulder  to  comfort her but she jerks it away and leaves from there with tears..

Juhi: u shouldn't have treated her..

Shashank: could u please brief me of the patient's condition...(sternly)

Juhi: yes Sir!

they discuss about the patient!


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