Flesh.....Zombies.....Oh My

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How was I supposed to know the world would end? I was a total zombie freak. I read The Zombie Survival Guide so many times I could quote things to you. That still doesn't mean I was prepared for the zombie apocalypse. I wasn't prepared to lose half my family. Nothing prepared me.

I remember when I encountered my first zombie. There was a group of people and we all believed he was sick.

We couldn't understand what he was saying. He was just moaning and throwing his hands in the air. Looking for something. His eyes were a weird color. They looked yellow and bloodshot. His clothes were all raggedy and he smelled, well like shit. It was the smell of decay and rot.

When he bit into my neighbors wrist no one knew what to do. We heard the bone crunch and he was screaming. It hurt my ears. It frightened me. We tried to pry him off but nothing worked. Its jaws were locked onto his wrist. 

I ran to my house. It appeared as if someone already called the police for assistance. When I came out they were loading the man into the ambulance.

My neighbor had bled out and he was put in a body bad. I tried suggesting it was zombies. They all called me crazy.

I began to pack emergency canned food. I warned my family. By then it was to late.

Chaos had broke out all over the world. Every place offered shelter.....food....survival. It was all lies. Within months the whole world was overcome. Those who survived pulled together.

We are all determined to survive, so prepare the zombies for their slaughter! 

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