A Wrinkle in Our Plan Part 42

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"But what would we do in Serbia? Wasn't it the Serbs who were slaughtering Muslims in nearby Bosnia in the 1990s?" Nayla asked when we raised the subject of Serbia as a final destination.

"Well, Gustave old buddy, the atrocities committed by Serbs against Bosnian Muslims had crossed my mind when you suggested Serbia. Did it cross yours? No, apparently it didn't," I said.

"Look guys, you've gone way over the line to help me and my baby and I do not expect you to support us all the way to Germany, but can we find another destination along the way?" Nayla said, "someplace not-so-hostile-sounding?"

"What's that country along the way – Kosovo – it borders Serbia but it's a Muslim country?" I said. "Maybe Kosovo could work?"

"It's supposed to be a secular government but about 90% of its population are Muslims," Gustave said, "mostly ethnic Albanians."

"And you know that how?" I asked.

"I told you, I did my homework when I checked out the Balkan Route that migrants have taken for years and I Googled it, some 90% as I recall are Muslim," Gustave said.

"Well, is it safe and how strict is immigration control going to be?" I said.

"No idea. We'd probably have to have them claim asylum due to threats to her life by her husband no matter what country we settle on and we need to know that she is willing to give that a try and risk deportation," he said. "The only other way is to go in illegally and she could face immediate deportation if we are caught. And I do not know the risks of illegal entry in Kosovo. We could go as far as Athens and get lost in the big city, and it should be cheaper."

"Hey! I've got an idea. Why don't you talk to your smuggler friend again," I said, "and see what he thinks might be the best prospect for them?"

"I can do that but I'm guessing he would say go all the way to Germany or to Scandinavia and that would mean mucho dinero," Gustave said. "But give me a few hours. I'll try to get his take on what's what."

"Good. Stay safe, bro," I said. "See that coffee shop over by the boats, we'll meet in two hours there," I said. "Don't be late and make us worry!"

"Right, pal," Gustave said. Then he disappeared again.

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