Deadly Combination

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Alice hadn't seen Sarah in over a week. Ever since the explotion at game night Alice tried to avoid her, not knowing what to think about her role in the whole story. Sarah had tried to call her several times, but she hadn't picked up her phone. Not because she didn't want to talk about what happened, but because she wasn't ready to face her yet. 

FP had told her that if she wanted to stay friends with Sarah that he would support her, since he knew how important it was for her to finally have a good friend. He wasn't going to forbid for Alice to hang out with her, that should be her own choice, as long as he didn't have to face her anymore. That was just too much.

Even if he had broken her heart, as far as he was concerend Sarah hadn't known about Alice dating him, so she probably didn't have any wrong intentions with her. Of course he had warned Alice, but in the end it should be her own choice. That wasn't his to make. 

She had been thinking about the friendship a lot and knew how much she was attached to it. They had been friends before Sarah had found out that she was dating FP now, so she hoped that their bond had been sincere. Ignoring her the past week had been difficult, even when she needed the distance to think everything through.

There was just one thing that bothered her the most. Sarah had not only hurt her, she had hurt FP even worse. It was all in the past, but just thinking of the fact that she had broken something in him made her angry. Just because of that she wasn't sure she would ever be able to look Sarah in the eyes and not see that.

There was no use in avoiding her any longer, since Alice was reading a book in the university's hall when Sarah came her way. She looked a bit nervous, but Alice wanted it to come from her side, not the other way around.

''Alice, can we please talk about what happened?'' She started, placing her bag on the ground and sitting next to her. 

Alice sighed quietly and closed her book to properly face her. She had given FP the chance to explain himself so she thought she should give Sarah the same opportunity. 

''Yeah, fine. Talk.'' With everything she got she was trying to stay tough while in fact she was hoping that Sarah would come over to finally say something. Her friendship meant a lot to Alice and she was about to find out if that feeling was mutal.

There fell a silence, since Sarah just didn't know how to start. She knew that she had hurt both FP and Alice. What happened five years ago wasn't something she was proud of – the opposite actually. The last thing she expected was to befriend the woman he was dating now and it felt like the universe was trying to get back at her for what she did to FP.

''Do you believe me when I say that I didn't know you were dating him when we became friends?'' She started. Alice turned around to be able to look her right into her eyes and hold their stare for a moment, like she was trying to read the truth in her eyes.

''I do. But if you think that's why I am mad then you are pretty delusional.'' She wanted to grab her bag and leave, but Sarah grabbed her arm, standing up along with her.

''FP is the one who should have told you.'' She shot back. Alice scoffed and threw her bag on the ground again. 

Without a doubt FP should have told her about his engagement, but he wasn't the only one mistaken. She was in the position to tell her too, or even push FP to open up to her. This wasn't just FP's mistake. 

''You could have opened your mouth as well, but you kept quiet, knowing that it was coming out some day. You lied to me on purpose.'' Alice croaked out, fighting against the tears that were stinging in her eyes. Sarah opened her mouth to stay something, but Alice wasn't done talking. 

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