Part 14

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Ragini sees laksh sitting lost. She shakes him a little by his shoulder.

Rag :what happened lucky ji ? What are you thinking?

Laksh comes back with her voice.

Lak : Ragini..

He sees her glaring him cutely and chuckles

Lak : laado.. As per our plan the marriage got halted but swara didn't confess her crimes yet. To the top of it I can't let me and my wife gets fed by her parents. I need to find a job and a small house for us as we can't stay here for long. We have so much to think and do.

Ragini nods understanding.

Rag : lucky ji if you don't mind I'll start music classes for kids. This may help us for sometime and please don't think I'm overpowering you and all. Until you get a job I'll do that. After that I'll quit..

Laksh frowns hearing it.

Lak : first of all what's this lucky ji? Call me only lucky. Marriage can never change our friendship. Second why do you feel that you are overpowering me? Can't a woman feed her husband while husband do the house hold chores. There's nothing called man and woman things in between husband and wife. I can cook for you and take care of you while you can earn. There's no such crime in it. It all depends on the way we see things. I'm not forcing you to go to the job but do only what you like. If you want to go, go for you. Even I'm not gonna quit my passion. Marriage doesn't have any set of rules and regulations. We will do whatever we feel is right. We both can earn and we both can take care of the house too. We both are enough to take care of ourselves.

Ragini smiled proud at her husband. The whole world calls him immature.. only if they know. He's the most mature person she has ever come across. He's just a normal human being with flaws but people only saw his flaws. She wished Shekhar was atleast half mature as lucky is. If he was then neither her mother would have left her nor she has to tolerate the sight of a step mother and step sister. A drop of tear escaped her eyes and laksh gets worried seeing it. He immediately cups her face and wipes the tear droplet with his thumb. Shiver ran down her spine.

Lak : what happened laado? Did I say anything wrong?

Ragini nods no smiling and hugged him softly. He wrapped his arms around her and they both can hear each others heartbeat. No word exchanged only their hearts did the talking which is only audible to them. Ragini throws a sigh and cups his face with her one hand.

Rag : Lucky.. You are right. Let's find a job for ourselves and will immediately find a shelter for us. Except daadi and you I couldn't tolerate anyone's face here. I feel disgusted to see them. About swara.. Don't worry.. She's still in shock. After all.. All her planning and plotting went in vain. Let's give her sometime to come to reality.

She says chuckling while Laksh too joins her. They both part and ragini calls him for breakfast but laksh hesitates.

Ragini understands his problem and says that she'll bring food in the room for both of them and asks him not to join with others. She's also worried about others badmouthing her husband.. Husband. All of a sudden this word is making her heart flutter whenever she thinks that she's laksh's wife. Everything happened so fast that she still couldn't believe that now she belongs to someone. No not someone.. Laksh.. Her laksh.. Her best friend.. The only person in this world who cares for her after her Daada Daadi.

Now laksh sees Ragini lost and shakes her. He signals her what and she just nodded her head and leaves to get breakfast smiling.

Later both ragini and laksh gets ready to search for a job and on the way they meets swara who looks furiously at them. Their joined hands and their color Co ordinated dress added oil to her fury

Swa : arey waah.. Mr and Mrs. Disgusting Maheswari.. Where are you going after spoiling my parents marriage? For honeymoon? Ragini aren't you ashamed to do this? Did you ever think of Baba and me? He's that bast..

Before she could complete the word Ragini's hands striked her cheek with force.

Rag : I warn you swara. Another word about my husband from your filthy mouth and you will be ten feet down the ground. Trust me.. Never underestimate my love and respect to be my weakness. When I can go against the whole society when they tried to insult my family then I can very well kill anyone if they insult my husband as he's now my first family and the most important person of my life.

Laksh felt butterflies in his stomach hearing her each and every word for him. "Did he really mean so much to her?"

Rag : and what did you call Mr. And Mrs. Disgusting Maheswari? If at all I remember neither am I pregnant with his child before marriage nor did I give birth to an illegitimate child like you. We loved each other and got married as we have spine to stand for our life unlike your so called maa and Baba. Disgusting is what you and your mother is. First clear your name and then you can name call us. Now leave our way. Me and My husband have work.

Saying so she dragged laksh by his hands while laksh goes speechless at his wife's avatar.

Swara is still fuming in her room recalling the way ragini spoke with her. She starts throwing things here and there and pulls her hair out in frustration.

Swa : how dare you? How dare you ragini to say all khose words for me and my mother.. I'll not leave you. You bloody..

Suddenly gee phone started ringing and seeing the caller I'd her blood started boiling more. She furiously picks the call and starts lashing out at the person in the other end.

Swa : you ********it all happened because of you. If you haven't asked me to do all this then my parents would have got married by now and I would've somehow seperated laksh and Ragini's friendship. But you spoiled everything for me. Do you know how much drama did I create to let this marriage happen. You threw it all I gutter..

Other end : shut up you bitch. I very well know that it's you who informed about sumi and Shekhar affair to the society and staged a drama and emotionally trapped ragini to accept for the marriage. You also couldn't digest the fact that ragini is getting married to such a reputed family and unnecessarily poked your nose to cancel the alliance. But since it didn't work out you used this soviet drama and made ragini break the engagement. Don't you dare raise your voice against me. You don't even have any idea what and all I know about you. So now keep quite and listen to what I say.

Swara goes numb hearing it.

Swa (in mind) : how did he get to know all this? Even her own mother didn't knew all these plans? Then how?

Other end : stop using that useless brain of yours and listen to me. It's still possible to separate laksh and ragini. He says that they only got married to stop your parents marriage. Now do whatever you want but make sure ragini hates laksh and should divorce him. If you need any help I'll be there for you in all ways. I just want ragini and laksh to be separated at any cost. After its done everything will fall back to normal. Your parents will get married and Shekhar who hates ragini now will treat you like queen. After all that's what you wanted right?

Swara thought for a while and understands that whatever he said is right. Only when ragini and laksh gets separated all her problems will gets solved. She cuts the call agreeing to it.
Other end also cuts the call and says that "I'll make ragini mine at any cost"

Precap : swara plotting to separate raglak.

Target :70+

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