Shot 17

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Next morning :

Ragini and Laksh gets hurried for their work. Laksh gets ready first and waits for Ragini. Ragini comes out and asks Laksh to leave first. She said that she has some work to take care of.

Lak : what happened ladoo? Are you alright? Are you not well?

Ragini smiles at his concern

Rag : Nothing lucky. It's just my bus will arrive a bit late today. So you go. I'll come finishing an incomplete work...

Laksh nods and bids bye to her.

Ragini checks once Laksh has left and starts with her work. She checks everyone's doors and finds everyone has either left for work or busy in their house. She then finds Shekhar and Daadi leaving for temple. Sumi and Dida too leaves for shopping. She smirks and finds Swara coming down the stairs. She looks at the oil that she has poured at the last step. As expected Swara steps on it and falls down breaking her hip. She winces in pain and calls out for help but none comes to help her. She finds it difficult to even stand up when Ragini comes there.

Rag : What happened sister? Tch tch tch.. Seems like you have slipped. Now what will you do? No one's there to help you.. Not your family, nor my lucky nor neighbours.. Now how are you going to get up. Pity you..

Swara irked tries getting up but falls down wincing in pain..

Rag : uh.. Guess you need to crawl to your room. As. Much. As. I. Want. To. Help. You.. I'm getting late for work. So see you in the evening.. Byeeee..

Saying so Ragini leaves smirked. She reaches the door but soon stops and turns towards swara.

Rag : This is just a sample for thinking to trouble my Lucky. If you do anything in future then I'll make sure to put you in hell. Don't think I'm weak just because I'm traditional. WHEN IT COMES TO FIGHTING FOR LOVE NO ONE CAN EVEN STAND NEAR RAGINI. MIND IT..

She said the last line with utter seriousness that swara felt a bit shaken with the intensity. Ragini leaves for her work while swara winces in pain unable to get up. She tries calling neighbours but no one seems to be present. Irritated swara with great difficulty crawled to her room. She dials the blackmailer number and says him about what Ragini did with her.

Bm (with her greeted teeth) : Did Ragini really say that she loves him?

Swa : Now is that very important?


He shouted at the top of his voice sending some chills down her spine.

Swa : Ye.. Yesss

Bm : i should do something soon. Say once you recover completely. After that we will deal with Laksh. Right now it's Ragini who's bigger threat to us. I'll take care of it.

Swara nods and cuts the call. She's completely frustrated for what Ragini did with her.

Ragini comes to the academy and texts Laksh about teaching. The day went on and at the evening once again Sahil called Ragini with some silly excuse. This time he made her too much delayed. She comes home by 9 only to find Laksh still cooking in kitchen. She feels bad for him.

Rag : I'm sorry lucky. Today also i had some meetings in the evening that I missed the bus. You move I'll do it.

Lak (cupping her face with one head) :it's OK laado. It's almost over. You go and get freshened up while I set the table. You seem tired.

Ragini nods softly at Laksh and leaves.

Days passes by..

Laksh showed tremendous improvement in his work that his job got permanent in Ishaan's company. However he feels restless as he could barely see ragini around. Her job is really tough that they make her work even on Saturdays. When he decides to spend time with her on Sunday it's not possible as many are at home. He badly misses ragini. He looks at the time and it shows 9 :30. He gets worried for her and contacts her but her phone is switched off. He gets restless.

Soon Laksh hears horn sound and goes out to check who it is. To his surprise Ragini steps out of it and thanks Sahil for dropping her. Laksh watches it and his sub conscious mind warned him something about Sahil. Ragini is about to go when Sahil stops her by catching her hand. Laksh felt kind of uneasy but he couldn't understand what it is. He finds Sahil giving Ragini's purse back to her...

Swa : wow.. It seems finally Ragini realized that you are not worth. Hmm. Not bad... What else could she do with a useless person like you. Seems that person is very rich and good looking too. Guess Ragini is having an aff..

Before she completes the sentence laksh breaks the nearby vase down very near to. Her startling her..

Lak : you bitch. Just stay away from me. I want to slap you and kill you for what you said right now but i don't want to raise hand on girls especially a dirt like you. So it's better if you get lost from my sight.

Swara immediately runs away and calls the blackmailer.

Swa : i did as you said. But it seems he doesn't believe me.

Bm : it doesn't matter. You just planted seeds of doubt in his mind. Its enough to grow as a tree that could separate them forever. I'll take care of it. I'll call you again to explain about the next plan.

Saying so he cuts the call.

On the other side Ragini and Laksh are having dinner. Laksh is curious about the guy who dropped Ragini but hesitates to ask as if he did then it will be like proving that he believes swara's words. He gets confused about what to do when Ragini herself starts.

Rag : you know what lucky. Today i missed the second bus too due to my meeting. Without knowing it i was waiting in bus stop when few rogues kept looking at me. I was so scared and that's when our institution's manager Sahil offered me lift. Though I don't like him for some weird reasons o didn't have option at the situation that i accepted..
Before she could complete Laksh bounces from his seat and starts checking on Ragini.

Lak : laadoo are you ok? Did they harm you? Oh god nothing happened to you right?.

His words and eyes are filled with tears and scared for her.

Rag : lucky.. Lucky relax. I said right. nothing happened to me. You chill and have the food...

Laksh is not convinced fully but he decides to let it go..

At night :

He looks at a sleeping Ragini and recalls about Sahil. He scolds himself for thinking about Sahil..

Lak (in mind) : What i was about to do today is more like accepting swara's words. Not Sahil or not any richest nor a most handsome guy, nothing can make my ragu to get attracted to them and i shouldn't think about all these silly stupid things.

He decides to never ever even think about doubting Ragini as trust is what made them a couple and he should hold on the trust until the very end . Ragini married him for the same trust and now its his turn to prove his trust on her. He gets determined to not fall for swara's topics. With a determined Decision he goes to sleep.

Though the target didn't reach I updated for the true fans who comment and vote regularly..

This is just a filler but needed.. Raglak scenes will be less in the upcoming chapters as its going to focus on blackmailer part...

So please do VOTE and COMMENT

Target :75+

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