Shot 18

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It's been a month already..

The gap between RagLak kept increasing as Laksh also got busy with works. He was doing too well for a newbie that he gets loaded with work. Both Ragini and Laksh with out their knowledge keeps going away. Ragini gets all the extra classes assigned for her making her lose her mind. Sahil kept dropping Ragini and Laksh knows it too. However after that night Laksh never felt insecure. He made sure to feel Ragini comfortable. Though they were apart, their love and trust filled the gap and their bond was too strong to break. In the meantime swara tried various means to get close with Laksh. She tries seduction to sympathy but after Ragini's warning Laksh was careful to not fall for her tricks much to her irritation.

Swara is in her room when she gets the blackmailer call.

Swa : hello.. I know you are going to scold me for not completing my work but trust me I tried all the possible ways.. I tried to provoke him again and again against Ragini but nothing is working. What will i do?

Bm : I so want to scold you for this but i know that you are trying too. Its the same in the case of Ragini. Even after keeping her away from Laksh so long too her mind only revolves around him.

Swa : Did you try getting close with Ragini too?

Bm : no not yet.. Its impossible till Laksh is in her life. I thought laksh was an easy target but he seems to be equally in love with Ragini. We had enough of playing with them.. Now let's deal it in the right way.

Swa : what are you going to do?

Bm : after five minutes check near your room window. I'll call again.

Saying so he cuts the call while swara goes into thinking.

After 5 minutes she checks the window to find some packet with a white powder in it. She gets the blackmailer's call again.

Bm : They are drug packets and each packet is worth few milligrams. Add each packet in Laksh's food two times per day. His mind will start losing it's mental balance. After that if you try your tricks on him he will easily fall for it in his unstable mind. Ragini who's not aware of Laksh's condition will see his another face that she'll leave him with the way he act.

Swa : why only Laksh? Should i mix it in Ragini's food too. Let them both go mad.

Bm : you bitch just shut up. Try harming Ragini and you will see living hell by me. Just do what i say YOU. GET. THAT?

Swa : ye.. Yes.. So... Sorry.

He cuts the call abruptly while Swara fumes..

Few days passes..

Swara keeps mixing the drugs in Laksh's food. He also notices his condition getting bad. He seems to even shout at Ragini some times. At the same time he allows swara to get close witg him too.  Swara provokes him that Ragini is not giving him attention. He gets furious and even breaks the glasses while swara smirks.

That night Ragini once again comes with Sahil in his car. A furious Laksh drags Ragini by her hand and takes her to their. Swa and Sahil watches it smirking. They hear Laksh's screams from inside
Lak : how dare you Ragini? I didnt mind it one or two times but you keep coming daily in his car. Is he your driver or boyfriend?


Ragini asked furious at his blame..

Lak : So you want me to believe that daily you got late and your boss is giving you ride? How ridiculous Ragini? You even forgot that you are married woman. I regret marrying without knowing you true face.

Rag : wow Laksh. How cheap are you? Now I'm starting to feel that if what swara said is true? Is thus your true face? Ashamed of you.


Ragini comes out running and leaves on street. After sometime Laksh too starts following her but soon his head starts spinning and he fell unconscious on floor. Swara found none around and both their families have visited their relatives house. She drags an unconscious Laksh to her room and removes his shirt buttons.

On the other hand Ragini is crying in park when Sahil comes there pretending to console her

He advises her to resolve their fight and takes her to Badi. Ragini believes his words and goes to the house. She goes to her room but doesn't find Laksh there. She starts searching him but couldn't find him. Ragini's about to leave when she finds Swara's room half opened. She opens it to find a shirtless Laksh besides Swara who's inna compromising position. Her appearance is disoriented. Ragini's eyes gets filled with tears. She closes her mouth to prevent the sob from escaping. Unable to bear the sight she runs away while Sahi follows her. Swara who was pretending to be asleep wakes up with a smirk. She corrects herself and once again buttons up his shirt. She cleared all that things that gave another story. After sometime Laksh wakes up only to find himself in swara's bed.

Lak : what am I doing here?

Swa : you fell unconscious Laksh. So i helped you to my bed.

Lak : Where's Ragini? I shouldn't have said all that to her i need to apologize.

Swa : oh Ragini.. She just came and found found you unconscious. Later she left with that guy who drops her daily. I don't know where they went..

Laksh fists his hand and immediately goes out. Swara watches everything entertained. She gets blackmailer's call and said whatever happened. He praises her for her act and asks her to follow Laksh. Swara nods and a starts following
On the other side :

Bm. : Finally the time has come Ragini. You might need a friend in this tough time of yours. There I'm coming...

Sahil catches Ragini. He asks her to
go back as its not safe outside. Ragini cries vigorously while Sahil wraps his arms around her to comfort her. Laksh who comes there gets shocked seeing their condition. He gets furiously and immediately pulls Sahil away from her. He starts punching him continuously while his mouth starts bleeding.

Rag : Enough. How dare you to do this? After all that you have done you don't have ounce of shame. I feel disgusted for marrying you.

Lak : wow after keeping affairs you have the audacity to blame me. You are something else Ragini.

Rag : what else can ve expected from a person who sleeps with his wife's sister. How did i even trust you knowing you play boy ways.

Lak : Seriously Ragini. Now you are blaming me without any fault of mine to cover your mistake. Wow. You crossed all the limits of shamelessness. I don't even want to see your dace now.

Rag : it's the same here Mr. Laksh Maheswari. Don't ever show your face to me. We are getting divorce.

Saying so they both walks off in the opposite directions.

Target : 90 +

I know you all want to kill me right now for two reasons..
One for rushing it..
Two for what exercises I've scribbled up there..

But I'm planning to complete the book in some next 5 shots.. Honestly speaking it's been long and i couldn't catch up with it much.. I read first few chapters and realized I've to speed it up a bit.. Its still stuck at the starting phrase..
I've planned the ending so please besr with it for the upcoming few shots..
Thank you for all the love showered till now.. ❤️❤️❤️
Really grateful.. ❤️❤️
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