Shot 15

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Swara is thinking of a plan to separate ragini from laksh but couldn't find any way. She thinks to try her soul sister drama but is not sure about it after ragini's behaviour towards her. She decides to find out the reason behind the massive change in ragini who blindly trusted her changed overnight.

On the other hand laksh is trying for many jobs but no one is hiring him as he doesn't have a degree. He still has arrears and his certificate is in his home. His friends tried a lot to get him a job but his past record always remained a barrier for his character. He sits upset in a park as he doesn't want to go home without any job in his hand. He sees few kids playing and is watching it forgetting his tension. All of a sudden a girl runs in the middle of the road to take the ball. She didn't notice the truck that's approaching her. Laksh acted in the nick of time and saved the girl. Her parents came running towards her asking the girl named Mishti if she's fine. They both thanked laksh and introduces themselves as Mauli Khanna and Ishaan Khanna (sorry I'm obsessed with Mauli as much as I'm with ragini).

Lak : hi I'm laksh.

Ish : only laksh?

Lak : as of now only laksh.. My wife ragini's husband. That's the only identity i have.

Mau :looks like you love your wife a lot.

Laksh gets taken aback with this sudden statement. He himself is not yet clear about his feelings for ragini but remained quite.

Ish : so where do you work?

Lak : I'm searching for a job..

Ish : did you complete your degree..

Lak : no i haven't.. But i got married suddenly and I'm in the need of a job to take care of my wife.

Mau : why don't you join my husband's company? He's the ceo of Khanna group of companies and ours is one of the topmost companies in India.

Lak : sorry I'm searching for some simple jobs as neither do I have a certificate nor did I complete my degree. I don't have any qualification to work in such a reputed company. Thank you so much for the offer yet.

Ish : I'm surprised.. Anyone will lie anything to get a job in my company but for the first time someone is rejecting a job just because they feel they don't deserve the job. Your honesty is the best qualification you have to work in my company. You are supposed to work as a pa who handles my schedules and all the important details of the company. I need only a trustworthy person and not a topper.. Please accept the job.

Laksh thought for a while. He felt its OK to accept the job as they are giving it for his honesty and its no way wrong. He agrees and Ishaan gives him his card and asks him to join from the next day. They take a leave and Laksh becomes speechless. Laksh gets extremely happy and calls ragini to share the good news but her phone is not reachable. He heads towards home to meet ragini as soon as possible.

On the other hand Ragini found a job as a music teacher with minimal salary in a music academy as she's a fresher. She's asked to teach kids the basics and she's more than happy to do it. She too tried to call laksh to inform about it but finds no signal in her mobile as the place is quite secluded from city. She wonders about how will she travel so long daily to reach there. With all these thoughts running in her mind she takes a bus to her home.

Both ragini and laksh meet exactly at the door step and gets extremely happy to see the other person. Laksh without wasting a second lifts ragini up and twirls her happily and everyone watches it. Ragini shouts at him to put her down as she felt shy. Laksh came back to reality and immediately puts her down equally embarrassed.

Swara who was watching all this gets irked more and more while the others showed mixed reactions as they still doubt laksh's character after swara molestation incident.

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