Shot 12

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Laksh looked at ragini without saying anything.. He processed whatever she said in his mind...

She's right.. If it was his sister in the place of swara he would've definitely supported his sister over her bf after all its a girls dignity that's more important than anything..

Laksh calmed down a bit and started narrating whatever happened inside the room to ragini while ragini looked shocked as well as hurt..

Never in her dreams she thought swara to be this cruel.. Tears started pouring out of her eyes remembering her efforts to always save and support her.. She was even ready to share her own father even after knowing that he betrayed her mother as well as her. She gets broken. Now she even doubts swara and sharmishta's loyalty. Do they really love her or is it all fake. She couldn't understand anything. She keeps hand on her forehead and collapses on ground..

Lak : ragini..

Rag :I don't know what to do laksh? Now everything seems fake to me.. Every single thing.. I don't know what I've to do next... I don't know whom to trust.. I feel helpless laksh.. I feel helpless.

Lak :it's OK ragini. Please don't hurt yourself. Let whatever happened be in the past. I'm happy now that atleast you are there to trust me... That's enough for me.. I've already called my friend who lives in bangalore. He assured to arrange a job for me there. Once maa health recovers ill leave the place forever..

Laksh wipes his tears and controls hard to not break down in front of ragini. She's already broken. He looks up to find ragini looking furiously at him. He gets confused..

Lak :what happened ragini?

Rag : what what happened ragini? Are you mad? Are you trying to run away from accusations? Really?

She asks furious

Lak : then what am I supposed to do. To stay here and get insulted more and more. No ragini I can't tolerate it anymore.. I need some peace.
Rag : you idiot monkey donkey stupid.. Like ill ever let that happen. I'm not letting you go anywhere leaving me.. I'll prove you innocent..

Laksh is too confused to notice her saying about leaving her. The last lime catches his attention..

Lak : how's it possible ragini. None believes me besides u and ur daadi. Even if you go and say all this nine gonna believe you.. How's it possible.. Please don't give me false hope..

Rag : Ragini will never ever give false hope. I'll stand by you and will you prove you innocent. Yeh vaada hai meri.

Lak : but ragini whatever it is she's your sister..

Ragini cuts him off

Rag : to be sister.. Well not anymore ofc.. I'll not let this marriage take place before the truth is revealed..

Lak : but how are you gonna do all this? I don't think your father will ever let you come near me.. Nor we are anyway related? What are we even gonna do now..

Ragini gers into thinking.

Next day morning :

Sharmishta and Shekhar are getting ready in their room. Marriage preparations are taking place. Though Daadi doesn't like it a bit she can't break the promise she made to laado. She does all the arrangements half heartedly. Pandit asks to bring the bride and groom for wedding. Daadi searched for Ragini to bring down shekhar while swara already left to bring Sharmishta.
Daadi : where did this girl go..
She calls out for ragini but no response. In the meantime Shekhar himself comes down and sits besides Sharmishta. He didn't even bother to check whether his mother and daughter are present. All he wants right now is his marriage with his lover

Daadi stands worried when suddenly her eyes falls on the door and she gets shocked to the core.

Ragini and Laksh are seen standing hand in hand with garlands around their neck  while ragini is wearing mangalsutra and sindoor.

Everyone looks at it shocked.

Swara is the most affected than anybody else.

Daadi shouts laado while raginis grips his hand hard. Though she's ready to face the consequences she's not ready to face her Daadi. She can understand how much affected she is. But she has to do it. For laksh. For herself too.

Shek : ragini.. What the hell is this?

Shouts Shekhar with anger and fury. Sharmishta looked disgusted at raglak while swara goes numb...

Rag :I.. I am sorry baba.. But I love laksh.. I can't live without him.. I also know that you won't accept him ever.. So this is the only way left for us. We are sorry.

Shekhar angrily raises his hand to slap Ragini but laksh holds it midair....

Lak : don't you dare sasur ji. She's no more Ragini Gadodia.. She's my wife Ragini Lakshya.. You don't have any rights to raise hands on her. Not a single scratch on my wife.

Sharm : what the hell is this ragini? Didn't you forget what this disgusting guy has did to your sister yesterday. How can you be so selfish? Don't you care about us a bit.. How dare you to marry this perv..

Rag : enough aunty. Not a word against my husband. I won't tolerate it a bit. Its not like I got her married to your daughter.. I've full rights to marry whoever I wish. You are not my mother to say this to me...

Shek : raginiii..

Rag : enough baba.. We are not here to get insulted. We came to inform you and get blessings. We will be leaving soon.. You can proceed with your long delayed love marriage.

Sharm : do you think this marriage will even happen? How can I get married to a house where my daughter's rapist is the son in law. I'll not do this marriage at any cost.. What if he tries to molest my daughter again when they both are in the same house.

A sharp pain hit laksh's heart but now he's used to it. The pain is bearable. He looks at the hand which is interlinked with his. He can very well sense how much she's controlling herself from stroking swara's mom. This is the only strength and support he needed. His best friend.. His wife.. His life..

Laksh eyes looked at ragini as if its only present to serve the purpose. It has so much admiration, gratefulness, care and.....

The promo will be revealed in the next update.. I guess many of you would've guessed by now

Hope I didn't disappoint you with the twist.. But still there are many unanswered questions..

Did RagLak marry for real?
What about Laksh plan of faking his love for Ragini? Will it ever come out?
Stay tuned for next update..
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