nine ; 2nd Horcrux (The Ring)

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Harry ran up to Envy and Connor and he panted for air once he caught up with them. Envy shifted the books in her arm to run a hand through her hair and she stared at Harry in confusion. She looked over to Connor, who looked just as confused as she was.

"Is there something wrong Harry?" Envy was first to ask. Harry then shook his head, indicating that nothing was wrong.

Harry sighed loudly. "It's been almost two months now Envy, I need to know where the Horcruxes are." Envy could feel Connor's burning stare but she ignored it. She never told him she knew where the Horcruxes are, the only thing she told him was she knew what they were.

"Two of them are right under your nose." Envy said. "You can walk with us if you want and I'll tell you where each one is." They began walking and Harry followed, walking next to Envy. "Dumbledore is in possession of two, the ring and the diary."

Harry's eyes widened. It all made sense now. "It makes much sense now. When I touched the ring, I saw something."

"Let's focus first on the diary." Envy said and they turned around a corner into another hallway packed with Hufflepuffs and Slytherins. "So Dumbledore tells me you stabbed it with the Basilisk's fang. Which is good." She shrugged her shoulders. "We just need to discard it and find a way to destroy the ring."

"What about Godric's sword?" Connor asked and Envy thought about it for a moment. "I heard it can destroy anything and it only presents itself in time of need to a true Gryffindor."

"True but I have a feeling we'll need more than a sword to destroy the ring." Envy mused. "Tell you what, I'll have a word with Dumbledore and ask him if he has any clue as to what we can use to destroy the ring and I'll get back to you."

Harry nodded and they spoke for a while, about how they'll be expelled if the Ministry hears of what had happened over the Summer. Envy was convinced that they already knew and was already planning their trials. Envy and Connor said their goodbyes as Ron and Hermione came up to Harry. Connor headed for the Ravenclaw tower while Envy made a quick stop in the library before making her way to Dumbledore.


Envy was sitting across Dumbledore, and this time it felt tense. It wasn't like the time she still was dead. She could feel the intimidating power radiating from Dumbledore, could feel it as it seeped through his pores and into the air around them. It closed off her throat but she made sure not to make it visible.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Dumbledore had boomed and Envy sat upright.

"It's more of a question than a statement." Envy said and began fiddling with her fingers. It was an old habit, an old habit that hadn't died. Dumbledore gave her a soft look as if to say 'carry on.' Envy took a deep breath in before exhaling it all out. "The ring. How do we destroy it?"

"I have found a way. A way that will destroy it. But I cannot do it alone. I'll need Harry to help me." His eyes were soft and spoke a million things as well. He looked as though he was pain too, a pain so great.

"I'll have him know then." Envy gently smiled and she stood up to leave.

"Envy?" Dumbledore asked and Envy sat down again. "Whatever happens, I'm glad I got to meet you. And I'm glad I brought you back to life."

"Professor, you're talking as though you're going to die. You are going to destroy a Horcrux." Envy pointed out and Dumbledore shook his head. "It may be a deadly task but I'm sure you can handle it. You're the greatest wizard to ever live."

"I may be the greatest wizard Envy, but I am growing old and Voldemort is growing stronger." Dumbledore gently smiled at her.

"If you die then, we can just use the stone on you."

"I destroyed the stone." Envy was shocked. The words felt like swords in her brain as they settled in. Dumbledore destroyed the stone, and that means if he does die, Envy can't use the stone on him because it's gone.

"But why Professor?" She was shocked and confused at the same time. She didn't understand, she couldn't understand. Why destroy the stone now that Voldemort was most powerful?

"It has done its deed. And that was bringing you back to life so you can help us." Dumbledore smiled at her, and his eyes were soft towards her. He looked like he was writhing in pain on the inside but he didn't want to make it known. Envy could see it though.

Envy then smiled back at him. "I'm over the moon to help Professor."

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