Sword Fight Part 2

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This is a continuation of Sword fight when Lena, Rory, and Chase are at dinner. I'm actually turning this into a 3-part story instead of 2. This part isn't as good as the first, but the last one will have more Chaurora so don't worry! ;)

Chase POV

I sat next to Lena under the Tree of Hope. I had just finished changing into a grey button up shirt and black jeans. Lena was wearing a summery yellow dress, that fanned out over the seat of the couch. She was currently talking my ear off about some rare species of dragon and the properties of their scales. I zoned off after a few minutes, letting myself think about what had just happened while training.

How distracting her emerald green eyes were, how much I loved hearing her laugh, and how I had almost kissed her...God what had I been thinking? She doesn't like me that way. Now I had probably made things awkward between us. Ugggg why did I have to be so stupid sometimes?

"Hey, you guys ready to go?" Someone said, interrupting my thoughts. I looked up and my eyes widened. Rory was standing a few feet away from me. She was wearing a casual navy-blue dress and her hair was pulled back in a bun. I was shocked that she had her hair up since usually she wore it down or in a messy ponytail on occasion. It was also weird to see her in a dress; I'd only seen her wear one maybe once or twice.

"Um Chase are you coming?" Lena asked. Suddenly I realized that both Lena and Rory were standing up, looking at me. How long had I been staring at Rory? I quickly looked away from Rory and hastily said,

"Oh yeah. I'm good. I'm ready to go. Let's go." I could feel my face heating up as I stumbled for words. Lena gave me a strange look before leading the way to the doorway. I glanced over at Rory to see if she had noticed my staring. She was pointedly looking away from me, her cheeks tinged with pink. So, she had noticed. Now I'd probably ruined the whole evening.

We continued in silence till we reached the restaurant. It was a quaint building on the corner of a street. It had a wraparound balcony that was closed in with a delicate white fence. On every few feet of fence small lanterns were placed.

"Wow, it's beautiful," Rory said, as we walked through the main gate.

"I know right! My nan used to take us here on special occasions," said Lena in an awed voice. We checked in with the lady sitting at a pedestal next to the gate. She led us to a 4 person table on the balcony. Lena sat down on one side of the table and I sat on the other. To my dismay Rory chose to sit next to Lena, still not making eye contact with me.

"What would you like to drink?" Our waiter, a young blonde-haired woman, asked.

"I'll have a Coke, please," I said.

"Ok," she said smiling, "and what would you two ladies like?"

"Water is fine for me," Rory said, looking up for the first time all evening. After a moment of complication Lena said,

"I'll have a Sprite."

"Great, I'll get those right out for you," The waiter said cheerily before bustling away. We sit in silence for a moment, but Lena interrupts it.

"Rory I just love your dress!" She exclaims.

"Oh thanks," Rory says looking embarrassed, "I really like yours too, that color looks great on you." Then they jump into a long conversation about dress styles, colors, and what colors look best on people. I quickly zone off. The drinks come and the waiter takes our orders. Eventually Lena asks me,

"So, Chase, where is your dad right now?"

"Um Iligard I think. At least that's where the canon sent him," I say.

"Oooo Iligard! I've heard so much about it. Did you know that..." she says, rambling off into talk about the country. I let Lena drone off in her teacher's voice, while I sneak another glance at Rory. I make eye contact with her, but she quickly looks away. Hmmm so she had been looking at me. I stare at her eyes wanting to see what she will do. She glances back over at me after a few minutes. This time I hastily break eye contact, embarrassed to be caught staring.

We continue this for a good ten minutes. One of us staring at the other and then being caught by the other, so looking away. I didn't realize it, but Lena had stopped talking and was now looking between me and Rory. She cleared her throat causing both of our heads to snap toward her.

"So, are you two just going to stare at each other in silence?" My face flushed at her words and I was trying to think of something to say when out food arrived. Our waiter placed plates of food in front of each of us.

"Thank you," I said as she placed a plate of stake in front of me. Lena had ordered a pasta, Rory had ordered chicken, and I had ordered a medium well steak. We all dug into our food instantly. After a minute I asked,

"So, how's everyone's food?" This led to a discussion on the food and how amazing it was. Lena ranted about her pasta for a good 5 minutes. During this time, me and Rory still weren't really talking to each other or looking at each other. Then at a break in the conversation Lena pipped in asking,

"Anyway, how was your guy's training session?"  

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