The Other Half- Chapter 2. Man In The Cloak.

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14 YEARS LATER. August 20th 1995

"You must know but never do, Natalie." Screeched an old woman clad in a purple apron. 

 "Yeah okay mum, I will just be the only witch in history not to use magic!" Natalie rolled her eyes, let out a groan, and stomped up the stairs.

Once into her room she promptly slammed the door and sat on her bed. Her mind was reeling; she began throwing her clothes into a large trunk. Natalie didn’t know where she was packing for, but she knew she wanted to leave. Once her bag was packed she started dragging it to the stairs and pulled it down thumping on each step. She grew completely silent when she heard a man’s voice coming from the front door.

"Dumbledore sent me so I would advise you to move, or show me where the potter girl is.”

Natalie crept down the stairs wondering who "potter" is, as well as "Dumbledore."

"There- There is no 'potter' here” Natalie heard her 'mothers' voice shake, but it soon become stern.

"Get out! Out of my house!"

Natalie could now see the action there was a man with long greasy hair wearing a large black cloak.

She crept up behind her mother, 

"Mum? Mum, who is this?" Natalie awkwardly tried to hide her trunk behind her. Her hazel eyes glowed like her fathers.

"Hello Potter," the man snarled through a clenched jaw.

Natalie tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at the women she thought was her mother, then back at the man.

"I'm not potter," she laughed nervously "I'm Natalie, just Natalie."

"Yes Natalie Potter,” the man was growing impatient.

Natalie looked at her mother, her eyes glued to every detail. She noticed the differences between the woman before her and who she was. Her confusion was plastered on her face. The woman started to cry, silently.

"Mum? Mum, what is he talking about?" The women backed up nervously. Her eyes were begging for forgiveness, and her hands were fighting with her apron.

"Natalie you must listen to me," Her voice sounded rushed and panicked

"Your  ... mother, and father loved you so, so very much"

Once Natalie could see the truth in the woman’s eyes, she began to look confused, and angry.

"..Who are you?" her face was torn.

"My name is Florean Natalie Charleson. I am your grandmother Natalie. Your mother’s name is...was Ariana Florean Potter, the potter had come from your father. Arthur James Potter," she took a deep breath in, "Forgive me Natalie, but you will not step foot into that school" 

The man in the cloak was growing angry.

"Yes, she will Florean, You cannot keep her captive for so long," the man was walking towards her. Natalie suddenly smiled.

"I get to go to Hogwarts? This isn’t a joke?" Nothing else had really clicked, she just knows she’s wanted to step into that school since she was younger, she’s read every single book available on it; every book for every year she’s missed, Natalie was never allowed to do one thing, the magic. Being told she could go to Hogwarts meant she could do magic, get a wand, and fly a broom! Natalie looked at the woman who she had called her mother for so many years, she noticed the wrinkles in her skin, and the love in her eyes. Florean looked old and worn, Natalie didn't know how she could've ever passed as her mother, and she must have been her grandmother. She thought about the names, another thing clicked.

"Potter... as in Harry Potter? Mum, or uhm Florean" Florean wiped away her tear.

"Grandmother, Natalie, call me Grandmother that is after all what I am," She smiled.

"Well, Grandmother... What happened to my mum?"

"I-I, I Don't know Natalie, I just don’t know,” The man in the cloak stood in front of her.

"That is precisely what I am here for Potter, I'm here to inform you, that you will not be attending Hogwarts this year," Natalie’s smile faded, as her grandmothers grew.  The man continued.

"You will however be personally tutored by the head master himself throughout the year. From what I Have been shown here you have a lot to learn. Dumbledore shall be here shortly to begin his lessons”

 Florean was about to protest when the man spun around to face her again.

“Whether you like it, or not.” The man smirked as he vanished into thin air.

AN: I apologize for my lack of updating over the past few months i promise it won't happen again working on the next chapter now. Also the spelling errors are all fixed. already 5 reads  in a minute :) you guys are great. If you read it please comment, i want some feedback on how you guys are feeling about the story. :) 

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