The Other Half - Teaser Page

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An: Hey, this is just a little something that will happen later in the story I thought I would upload it just for fun :)


Snow was falling on the ground around the Malfoy Manor; the pure white snow felt out of place around such a building that you could feel the tension and evil coming within.

There was a young couple walking towards the manor hand in hand laughing about some intimate joke they shared. Natalie Potter's hands felt tiny compared to Draco Malfoy's large grasp. Both of their laughter had ceased as they neared the haunting manor.

"Are you sure your parents won't mind me coming to your home for Christmas?" she looked up to him her eyes pleading. Draco smiled and put one hand on her cheek;

"My mum won’t mind- besides you're a pureblood, as well as a [INSERT SPOILER HERE]; she will love you, okay?" He leaned in and kissed her forehead as they kept walking foreword.

They heard a noise in a nearby bush and Natalie jumped and grabbed a hold of his arm. Draco smiled and leaned over to her ear and whispered,

"Scared Potter?"


An: so that was a little something for a future chapter, I hope you like it. I'm hoping to get 5 more votes on this story before continuing :) Maybe I will do one of these every few chapters :) but only if i get some votes! and please leave some feedback, what do you think should happen?

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