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I got this message from oOBeatBoxOo...

And yes

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And yes... I will do this!!! Also... Please follow. oOBeatBoxOo need more followers.

Shadow: *Read the message* Hey look, someone make a request on my book.

Me: Oh, It was about Just For Fun!

Shadow: The thing... Funny thing?

Me: Yeah!

Shadow: Well... What kind of topic should we talk today? It include something funny.

Me: Um... *look around* where's Sonic?

Shadow: I throw him down into the basement. I also have *** with him a while ago.

Me: Shadow... That's not funny.

Shadow: Well, I supposed. Listen, I don't want anyone interfere my book.

Me: What about Silver?

Shadow: I tied him down... He's on the basement with Sonic.

Me: and... You having *** with him again?

Shadow: No... I would like to have *** with Sonic only.

Me: 😶

Shadow: Speechless?

Me: Okay, let's talk something else... Let's talk about Maria!

Shadow: *growl* No fucking way!!

Me: What? You said you really love talking about her.

Shadow: It's when necessary!!!

Mephiles: Shadow...

Shadow: Now what? Am I supposed to tied you up down on the basement?

Me: Shadow... He can't be tied. You need to put him inside a jar or something.

Shadow: Well, I can do that!

*Few minutes later*

Me: *giggled*

Shadow: why were you giggled?

Me: I just read this book about Shadow x readers. But, from the other person's book.

Shadow: *Take the phone from me*

Me: What?!

Shadow: You will ignore me...

Me: Ha! Let's talk about ASMR!

Shadow: Uh... Why?

Me: Because... I fall in love with that especially when someone whisper to me and kiss me and bite me.

Shadow: Okay... You're weird

Me: No I'm not!! Why everyone saying that I'm weird.

Shadow: *shrugs*

Me: *growl* This is boring!! Where's Akio? Akio!!

Shadow: I tied him too. Oh, If you wanna find Yuuri, he's with Akio.

Me: Why you're doing this to me?!

Shadow: Because I want you to give me an attention!

Me: *snort*

Shadow: What!

Me: Ohohoho...

Shadow: Now you sound like Eggman.

Me: You're jealous!

Shadow: I'm not jealous!!


Sonic: Ugh... Woo! We're free!!

Akio: Why Shadow tied us?

Yuuri: Must be something has happened he do to her.

Silver: *looks* Why this place is wet?

*Everyone look at Sonic*

Sonic: What!!

Akio: Sonic... Is that what I think it is?

Sonic: ah! (Did they know that me and Shadow were...)

*Back to Shadow and Me*

Me: I'm outta here!!

Shadow: *Grab my hand* Hey... I make you feel entertain... You said you like to hear boys whisper and kiss you and bite you right?

Me: *make a faint blush* And... You're gonna do that...?

Shadow: *pick me up* Come on... Let's go to bed. It'll be comfortable for you to listen me moaning and whispering to you.

Me: *Blushed ultimate red* ... Mmm...

Shadow: Let's go, darling.

Me: and you still call me darling?!

Shadow: Sure... I call you darling forever.

Me: *whimpered* 😖

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