~☆Chapter 7 (USJ Part 1)☆~

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Status: Unedited

The entire room was silent as I walked back into the monitoring room. I studied all of their faces carefully before shrugging, walking up to the railing.

"Alright. Who's next?"

Izuku leaped up from the bed, running out of the room. I chased him to the classroom, where he slammed the door open, questioning where Bakugo was.

Getting an answer, he ran outside to meet him.

They had this meaningful conversation I payed no attention to, until he screamed at me.

"YOU KNEW ABOUT HIS QUIRK HUH?!" He points an accusing finger at me.


He scoffs. "YOU KNEW, Didn't YOU?!" He repeats.

"About his quirk? Oh NO! Of course I didn't know about my brothers quirk." Both sarcasm and venom laced my voice.

He sent me a glare, and I could of sworn I saw tears in his eyes.

My eyes widen slightly and I take a step forward. I've always hated seeing people sad. He backs up slightly, growling. "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" A sharp pain shot through my chest and I nearly collapsed, and would have if I hadnt known about the plentiful eyes watching out every move.

After a minute, I walk up to him, much to all of the observers surprise, and slap him.

"Don't be petty because you lost. Be glad you have something to learn from." I growl. "You cant build a bridge if you throw all that you have at the river." The corners of my lips upturn slightly as I turn slightly and walk past, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "Goodbye."


The next morning I woke up a bit to early, as in 2AM. I slip out from under the (F/C) blankets and shiver as my feet touch the cold, oakwood floors.

I stood up and flicked on my light, blinking to get the black circles from my (E/C) orbs. I slipped my uniform on, and slipped out of my room and into the kitchen.

~A few hours later~

I took a sip of at least my 14th cup of (F/D) as a sleepy Izuku walks into the kitchen, almost slipping as he opens the fridge.

"I made breakfast." I murmur through my cup. He rears around the corner to look at me, his eyes narrowed.

"Dont say it--"

"But I ate it." I smile, setting my cup down. He lets out an annoyed sigh and rubs his temples.

"Come on. Its time for school anyways. This gets him up.

"W-IT IS?! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME SOONER DANG IT!" He yelps, hopping out the door.

I snatch his shoes and slip mine on as I step outside into the cold, dewy morning.

☆BREAKING THE ICE☆ shouto todoroki [ √ ]Where stories live. Discover now