~☆Chapter 16☆~

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W H A T   T I M E   I S   I T  ?


I woke up to Izuku poking my face nervously, murmurs escaping his lips as I pulled the blanket over my head to stop the intense contact. "Go away!" I seethed through the blanket.

"T-Todoroki's on his way, (Y-Y/N)." Izuku seized the blanket, ripping it off me and exposing my skin to the chilly air. "Y-You might want to get up." He shifts, starting out of the room with my blanket in hand, forcing me out of bed. I slid on my stomach off the bed like a penguin, hitting it with a squeak. I clutched my bedside table and dragged myself to my feet, fiddling with my messy hair before I began rapidly brushing the knots out of it, strands of (H/C) tearing out of my scalp. Tossing the brush into one of my dresser drawers, I grabbed a fresh pair of clothes and tied up my hair before changing into a pair of overall shorts and an (F/C) sleeveless turtleneck.

I spun around, running out into the hallway in search of my blanket. I located it, snatching it from Izuku's clutches as he focused more on what I thought was breakfast. He yelled something before sighing, returning to his frying and slicing.

I slid into my room, gripping the doorway to steady myself as I tossed one side of my (F/C) blanket over my bed, allowing it to quietly float down and rest itself on the bed. I folded the edges neatly, ensuring both sides were of equal length before turning to the rest of my room was clean. The walls were a pale tan, a large white desk holding a television sat, speakers on either side. My walls were empty other than the few (Favorite Band) posters that were neatly pinned to them, along with one (Favorite Hero) poster I had bought. My dresser was neatly filed against the wall beside my closet, my bed a mere few feet from it. Atop it laid a few (Favorite Hero) figurines Izuku had gifted to me, and I cherished them.

I shook my head with a sigh, realizing I had made sure it was spick and span last night. Plopping myself on my bed and dragging my bag out, I grabbed my notes and a few needed textbooks and started studying early, Not like it mattered, as when I finished reviewing the first page of notes, there was an empty knock at the door.

I looked up from my studying, the sweet voice of Inko greeting the visitor slipping under my door. I smiled, a small giggle escaped me as Inko complimented Shouto before instructing him towards my room. I shook my head and continued to study before I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Come in." I paused, saving my page in my notes. Shouto, being as quiet as he is, was already in the room when I looked up from my composition book. "Good morning, Shouto!"

"It's 2 in the afternoon." Shouto comments, silently making his way across the room, pulling a few books from his bag. My eyes widened.

"It's 2 in the afternoon?!" I shook my head, unsure of whether to be surprised or depressed, patting the empty spot on the floor beside me. He didn't seem to hesitate when he filled it, taking out his own notebook, along with his textbooks.

"Yes." He said plainly. "Where do you want to start?"

"Maybe Quadratic Functions or Calculus? Math isn't my strong suit." I scratched the back of my head nervously. He nodded, flipping to a page in his own notebook. Scanning them quickly, he turns to me.

"In algebra, a quadratic function, a quadratic polynomial, a polynomial of degree 2, or simply a quadratic, is a polynomial function with one or more variables in which the highest-degree term is of the second degree." He told me.

"Now that's much easier to understand than what they taught us!" I exclaimed, taking small, short notes on his words.

"Its almost exactly what they told us, (Y/N),"


Shouto's POV

Just before I could alert (Y/N) that I was finished with the current chapter, I noticed soft snores from beside me and turned to see her, cheek resting on the side of her bed while a book still sat in her hands.

I smiled softly, pushing a few books out of the way while I stood up and wrapped my arms around her, picking her up and laying her down on the bed. As I knelt down to begin packing up my books and notes, she let out an incredibly sad whine. I looked up, watching her brows furrow as she gripped the covers. She flinched slightly as I pressed a hand to her forehead.

'Is she sick? Sad? Is she even awake..?' My mind rushed to find a reality to the situation before me, not knowing what to do in one such as this. I mentally panicked as I watched her hand reach up,  shakily grabbing my wrist. I felt myself flinch, watching her cower under my touch.

Without thinking, I did the most logical thing I could think of and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her towards me, sliding down the bed and quickly meeting the floor, my back against it. I placed her head on my shoulder and held her steadily. Rubbing (hopefully) comforting circles in her back. She gripped my shirt, her shaking dying down slowly, along with her breathing. I let out a tiny sigh of relief as her shaking came to a full stop.

She cuddled into my chest, causing the entirety of my being to melt. My heart thumping in my chest, I rested my own head on her shoulder. I allowed my own breathing to settle, my eyes closing slightly, eventually falling into that same with the sleeping girl before me.

Izuku's POV

I knocked softly on (Y/N)'s door, not having heard chatter from the room for quite a while. I creaked open the door after a minute, knowing well that Todoroki hadn't left. My eyes widened at the sight of them, (Y/N) on Todoroki's lap, whilst both slept soundly. I let out a quiet chuckle, slipping in and tossing my sister's blanket over the pair, placing a note on her desk before exiting the room. I walked over to mom, who stood staring at me over the counter.

"Well? Why are they so quiet?" She quires.

I smiled, before pouring myself a glass of water. "(Y/N) and Todoroki-Kun are just copying each other's missed n-notes, that's all, Mom."



My birthday is coming up, and I have been planning for Anime Expo a bit too much recently. (Along with a little too much roleplaying)

I hope you guys enjoyed this fluffy chapter <3
I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

With Love,
Word Count: 1160


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