~☆Chapter 18 (Internships PT 2)☆~

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T R A I N  S T A T I O N


"Shouto!" Your footsteps were muffled by the large accumulation of students and pedestrians who awaited their own train. A mere speck in the sea of people that chattered with family and or friends.

"Y/N?" Todoroki turned around, his heterochromatic eyes locking with your E/C ones. "What are you doing here? Aren't you interning with Aizawa Sensei?" He asked though he seemed glad to see you.

You wrapped him in a hug as you reached him. "Can't a girl see her best friends off?" You laughed with a fake indignancy in your voice. "I won't see you guys for another week!" You wrapped Izuku in a hug, surprising the poor boy.

"A-Ah! Hey, Y/N!" He stammered, a bead of sweat rolling down his face. "I-I'm sorry I left you this morning...! Uraraka and I was going to try and catch up with Iida-!"

"Hey Y/N!" Uraraka spoke up, jumping into the hug I offered her. "After what happened in Hosu, I'm really worried about his choice about who he's interning with..."

"Who is he interning with?" You asked, releasing the brunette. "From the way you talk about it, it's undoubtedly a hero in Hosu." The assumption seemed correct, as Izuku nodded.

"Yeah. He's interning with Manual." Izuku reported. Having spent an uncountable amount of hours with the nerd before you, it was obvious you had picked up a lot of information and facts about heroes.

The Normal Hero: Manual. He was a hero with an unnamed water quirk; Not a very well known hero, though. With where his agency was situated, it wasn't surprising to hear that Iida had almost immediately added Manual to the top of his internship list. 

You sighed, ruffling Izuku's fluffy green hair. "I'm sure he'll be fine, guys... Iida's smart. Sure, family-oriented, but there's no way he would put his own life in danger to track Stain down..."

"Y-yeah, I guess you're right..." Izuku muttered. The uncertainty that shined in his emerald green eyes didn't go unnoticed by you though. "I-If he does, t-then we'll be there to back him up, Right?"

You nodded, a feeling of dread filling your stomach as Shouto mimicked your movements, assuring your adoptive brother of the protection he was willing to give for the blue-haired Hero in Training.

The train roared into the station, silencing any conversations your group had. Izuku looked over at you, the two of you sharing a hug. "I'll miss you, Bunny Boy." His face contorted into a frown, though it quickly turned into a smile; One of an undecipherable bittersweetness.

"If you get hurt, Y/N...!"

"If you get hurt, Izuku...!" He just sighed, eyes on the train.

"I guess this is it."

"You act like you're going to war."

"For all we know, I could be." His words triggered something, though the tears you felt welling up in your eyes were immediately pushed down.

"Don't say that, Izuku. You're gonna do amazing! Maybe even learn something new about your Quirk!" In all honesty, you doubted you could bear to lose someone else; Especially Izuku. Just the thought of seeing his lifeless body made your head spin, and it almost seemed obvious to Todoroki of the thoughts that rushed your mind.

He, of course, had little to no idea about anything that happened in your past, but the lack of shine in your eyes was concerning to him.

"Deku, We gotta go!" Uraraka called. He jumped, giving you one last hug before running off and onto the train. "Bye! Love you!" He waved, his curly hair immediately hid by the rush of passengers boarding the train.

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