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     LOUD CHATTERS immediately greeted you as soon as you opened the cafeteria doors. e/c hues were narrowed down to a hard glare, cheeks puffed out and hands clenched in a tight fist that made your knuckles turn white. you trudged across the large room with heavy footsteps, ignoring the curious glances and stares you received as you made your way to your usual table at the back. you didn't even bother taking any food, your anger and annoyance towards everything were too much for you that you lost appetite to eat at least a snack.

     you grunted as a greeting, sitting down across three people who were already talking and eating happily. their conversation stopped short just as you laid your head on the table with a thud, your face that was once contorted to a look of annoyance finally relaxed and mended to a frown. the silence at the table deafened you, even with the gossips flying and traveling around the room. the three looked at you uneasily, wondering what was up with your solemn behavior which was, in their view, unlike you.

     every lunch, you'd have a new topic to talk about. let it be political or just plain nonsense. nevertheless, they find it amusing and pleasant enough to participate and state their ideas. you never failed to amuse them with your unnecessary ramblings every day. this day, however, was just different from the rest.

     "hey y/n," a raven-haired woman greeted tiredly with a feather-like voice, "you okay?" she asked, watching you with concerned eyes.  it looked droopy, to the point that she almost looked like about to sleep but her worries were clear as day. you groaned as an answer and picked up your head from the table, trying to remove the memories of your earlier embarrassment in your first class.

     after a long moment of waiting for your answer, you sighed, "i was late a while ago..." you paused and looked at the three, who were now watching you with curiosity. "and you know how calculus is my first subject, right? the prof fucking embarrassed me in front of everyone!"

     the anger hasn't subsided despite the event taking action merely two hours ago. you just couldn't believe that you, the most punctual student your friends have ever met, were rushing to class with wet hair and crinkled clothes. being late or absent in classes always made you anxious, that was why you were always early. something about today just made you unlucky, making you late for the first time.

     the professor who handled calculus was enough reason for you to skip class yet you didn't, for being a goody-two-shoes (an attribute you often love and hate). he was known for being the 'perfectionist', didn't want any late students entering his class and if some were, they would surely be humiliated in front, which shouldn't be tolerated at all by anyone! it was only a matter of time until the dean finds out what he was doing and he gets fired. hopefully, it was soon, you couldn't handle it again.

     the rest of the table was stunned, silent as you explained what had happened to you. quietly and in their mind, they were seriously lucky not to have calculus as their first subject.

     you finished your story with a glare and crossed arms, cheeks tinted with red either from anger or embarrassment. you looked at their faces after a few awkward moments of silence but you raised an eyebrow as they tried very hard to keep in their laughter and chuckles, and now you wished you could slap the look out of them.

     the three burst into loud laughs, clutching their stomachs or slapping their knee as you watched them with a glare, clearly not amused. the raven-haired woman tried to say something but it quickly turned into a fit of giggles.

     "it's not funny!" your statement fell into deaf ears, and you sighed dejectedly when they didn't show any signs of stopping. are they seriously dying of laughter or was it sarcastic? you had no idea.

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