Chapter Eight

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Bang, Bang, BANG

The sound as the titanium stick on the door startled me awake from my catnap.

"Ok, yall, time to be up and at em. Breakfast in 10."

I groaned and went to wash my face and use the restroom. I tied my hair up with the elastic band they gave me and waited for the door to open. The same guards from last night came in and put the shades on and mouth guard on and just restrained my hands in cuffs this time. I guess they found out that the gloves were useless. They pushed me out of the room at the same time Red was. He wore the same restraint jacket they gave him yesterday which by the looks of it he was not too happy about it. The grabbed our necks and pushed us to where ever it was we were going. We came to a cafeteria type room where three men were serving what looked like mush or flop onto cheap trays. The guards unbuckled the restraints and pushed us in closing the heavy steel enforced door with a loud boom. The whole room turned to look at us. Nick and Noah sat at a table where they waved us over. Germy grabbed my hands and sat me down before someone got any ideas.

"So how was your first night? We heard about Tic Toc."

"Oh give them time to wake up Noah, but just a warning Tay, Tic Toc is staring at you like you are thanksgiving dinner."

I turned around and sure enough crazy and his side person was staring at me like I was a fresh chicken waiting for them to eat. I rolled my eyes and sent them the fingers focusing back to the twins.

"Who is his side dog there?"

"Oh that would be Comic put him in around the same time as Tic Toc, took forever to catch those too."

"Ger you might want to quit your voice down, people here don't like you. Hell, we used to not like you, but brothers are that way."

I laughed and gave Noah you got that right look. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Tic Toc staring down at me.

"You know it is not very ladylike to flip people off for no reason right?"

I laughed and looked at the boys and pointed at Tic Toc.

"Can you believe this guy, Ok listen up here coo-coo, I don't know if you got the memo but I am not exactly human you see I am more Cobra then human if anything so I don't give a damn if I am ladylike or not got me."

I was now standing and looking right at him. He was a good head and a half taller than me but I knew I was stronger than he was.

"You are going to follow me back to my table and talk, ok?"


He looked shocked and looked back dead in my eyes, he started to glow a smoky blue-purple.

"You are going to follow me back to my table and talk, ok?"

I started to laugh

"Uh let me think no."

I could see he was getting frustrated and he was starting to do it again. So my turn my eyes flicked to their snake slits and I put him in a trance. He relaxed and started to sweat on his feet.

"Good now listen to my voice and repeat after me. Once you are back at that table this will fade. Remember that I am a Cobra and we are queens of hypnotizing people with our charm. You are going to look at comic and state you failed and you are going to leave Germany alone."

"You are a Cobra, queen of hypnotizing. I failed. Won't bother Germy."

I patted his cheek with a fake smile.

"Good boy now shoo, off you go."

The whole room watched as he walked back like a robot and sat down at the table blinking a few times before looking around confused. I calmly sat down and leaned into Bird Brain's shoulder so I could whisper in his ear.

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