Chapter Fourteen

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  Still Germy's POV

I blinked my eyes as the bright light hit the dust flying through the air. I coughed lightly wincing at the pain that hit my body. Yes I can heal but muscle pain is another story.

"Damn it! He hasn't woken up since you beat the shit out of him. What were you thinking?"

"Calm down Victor, he will be fine. He will be stronger and faster when he gets up. This is a good thing."

"Oh hush you two! The poor boy was sick let him sleep it off."

"For what, Hun? Two more days!"

"Will you all just shut up!"

I rubbed my eyes as I looked at the three arguing assassins. I winced as I sat up. I looked over at the sleeping twins on the coach and the three assassins that sat at the small dining room table. I cracked my back and neck and stretched my wings. I looked back to see the cut in the one was healed but still looked a bit matted. The once clear glorious wings were covered in blood. I felt the dried blood stuck on my skin and my clothes were stuck to my body from the water that had them dry that way. The three were looking at me waiting for me to lash out and honestly I was ready to. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

"What is it? Do I have something on my face?"

Vega at least cracked a smile but the boys kept on staring. Vega got up taking a seat next to me like she was ready to explain something so me.

"Honey, what ever you and AJ did outside unlocked the rest of your DNA pattern meaning like Tayla, Myself and AJ you are more animal than human."

I let out a small laugh.

"I don't hear any voices."

She smiled sadly at me.

"Neither do I. It seems like the animals that carry powerful venoms are the ones that have an alternate ego. Ours just kinda blend together meaning we have high animal instinct rather than two seperate instinct. It is not a bad thing just means..."

"That I am more animal than human. I mean I don't feel different though."

"Your eyes would say different and your hair. Your wings are still the same but hair eyes nope. I am going to guess like Tay you will be able to adjust your skin to weather you want to appear more human or falcon."

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What is so different about me?"

She looked back to the boys then back at me with a hint of humor in her eyes.

"I think you should see rather than hear."

I nodded and went to the darker hallway to the bathroom. I mean I could see perfectly though. I walked to the beat up room flicking on the light and I just stared. My eyes were yellow and looked like well a falcons. The tips of my hair was blood red like Tays when she shifted. I could see the outlines of tattoos that lined the back of my neck and shoulders. They were black and white but I never had them there before. My nails appeared black rather than the normal human color. I touched the tips of my fair and relaxed when it still felt like human hair. At least there was that but my eyes were freaking me out. I could see every detail from the small hairs and where they were coming from to the pores on my face.

"U, Vega can you come here for a second?!"

I could hear the patterning of her feet as she walked to the room I was in. I couldn't take my eyes from the mirror.

"What is wrong, Bird Brain?"

I laughed and looked at her.

"Can you not see this? I am freaking myself out."

"The eyes were a shock to us all. The nails and tats just appeared we don't know why. I am assuming because you don't have well tattoos like AJ, Vic and I when you went through the change they appeared because your skin had no other way to adjust to it. Sorta like bruising. Your eyes like mine should fade. When Tay, AJ and I all shifted our eyes stayed like that for a while before fading back. So your eyes should go back and if not you will be able to pull of the goth look."

I smiled and laughed leaning against the wall and looking to the showers.

"You know I think I am going to shower and go from there. Then we have planning to get to."

She nodded and threw some clothes at me.

"Figured. Be quick we have an outline to go over with you."

I smiled as she closed the door behind her. 

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