Chapter Thirteen

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We did the same thing over and over again. Climb the wall jump off the roof. Each time making my fingers, nose, knees and back bleed, breaking a few nails and bones. All in this same process. I was covered in sweat and blood and the rain was just not making it better. It was bad. The puddles were tinted red now with a few pink ones around it. It was not a pretty sight. I was out of breath, tired and really sour.

"AJ, we were at his for hours. I hurt, I need a break."

He rolled his eyes shaking his wet hair. He gave me a look in which said that are you kidding me.

"You are giving up already? We need to find a way for you to swoop in and be effective. You are not going to get far if you can't do this. You are going against a group that is highly trained and better trained then yourself, your buddies and me. Combined. We already lost two members we are not losing another."

I glared at him with pure anger, and tiredness. I was exhausted and soaked to the bone.

"I am not going to be any good if I die before they get the chance to kill me."

He put his hands on his hips and shook his head at me.

"You my friend heal. Did you forget that the only thing that actually holds your life span is in those feathers on your back?"

" I need rest, you need rest, hell we all need rest. Then we can work on it more tomorrow when it is not you know raining."

He shook his head and pointed to the brick wall that was covered in my blood.

"Use the anger and climb."

I rolled my shoulder and ran at the wall for what felt like the millionth time today. I grabbed the same crack and ledges and made it the top in seconds. Climbing wasn't the problem the willing yourself to fall to concrete was the problem. My wings wanted to open and catch my fall but everytime they tried a pain goes through my body. One can move the other ah not so much. I pulled myself to the top looking at AJ as he stood there with a smirk.

"Look who is finally at espectation. Now see you on the down side."

He stepped over my crumpled form and jumped to the concrete way below. I sighed and jumped tucking, rolling to my feet before AJ. He clapped his hands slowly and held a smile.

"Now for part two. You may have that down but traveling. You can't open your wings to get away and your fighting may be able to take down some bandits but assassins that will only get you killed."

I rolled my eyes and just went ahead and sat down leaning heavily against the wall next to the door.

"I never said I was going to do anything else today."

He raises an eyebrow at me like I grew a third head.

"It didn't sound like I was asking."

I rolled my eyes. Noah and Nick then walked through the doors laughing at something Vic just said. They looked at AJ then back to my crippled form. Nick and Noah came over quickly grabbing my arms helping me up. I groaned as they helped me stumble into the musty room. I strained my ears to hear the conversation the two old assassins where having.

"AJ you can't just kill the kid in a day. It took us years to learn the skills we know. You can't expect him to have it down in a few hours."

"Well we don't have years, Vic! He can do it. He genetically altered DNA, your girlfriend learned everything we know..."

"Yeah over months of work not hours. Use that bug brain of yours, AJ! He is a kid compared to us! He watched someone he cared for die in front of him. He is action on anger and revenge. We all are and it is not safe for any of us. We are going to get killed like Tayla if we are not smart about this."

I heard AJ let out a sigh the twins dropped me on the coach. Noah left to get a glass of water and the med kit while Nick held me down on the coat that once held Tay's body. I strained against him so I could run out and speak my mind to the two old men. Vega came over with a hot cloth and placed it on my forehead."

"Sssshhhh, you need to rest hun, you need to heal. I know you want to talk to the two old men out there but leave that to the old women in the room."

Vega brushed my rust color hair off my forehead lifting the towel to take my temps. She scrunched her eyebrows together and shook her head.

"I knew I should have had the boys go out and get you sooner. Now rest I will take care of the assassins ok? Noah Nick make sure he actually gets some sleep. He is burning up."

I watched her walk away and was about to bolt when Nick and Noah both came over pushing me back down placing some blankets on me. I could feel my eyelids get heavy. I wanted to fight it but I really couldn't. Everything turned dark around me. 

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