Chapter Fifteen

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Tayla's POV

Everything is dark. I smell blood. I open my eyes to see a tomb outline around me. Luckily I am not buried. I felt the last of my neck piece itself together. I snickered to myself. That dumb hag forgot that you have to cut your head clean off to kill you.

I laughed at the snake in me.

"It looks like everyone forgot. I guess it is time to give an old boss a visit?"

I would say so, but are we going to play nice again or can I finally come out to play.

I smiled to myself and let out a chuckle that echoed around me.

"I think it is time to bring the LA REINA COBRA back. It has been a while since the people have seen her. I think it is time to remind them who the queen is."

The serpent smirked and let out a hiss.

For once I agree full-heartedly but let's find out what has been happening while we were dead."


Germany's POV

I stared at the building in front of me. The plan was for me to be an element of surprise while the others waited for my signal. Thanks to some scans by AJ's boss we found a few talents for me to try out. I took a running start climbing the wall faster than before. Digging my fingers into each crack and crevice my fingers could find till I was to the top. I peered over the edge to the assassins working ahead. My eyes could see every detail but I had to where shades even though it was night fall as they seemed to glow in the dark. Now my hair was another issue I had to have a hood on as it was bright enough to catch anyone's sight. Even humans. I sniffed the air finding the scent of poison, death and dirt surrounding me. I smirked and when the men were caring another crate to the truck did I jump down. I landed lightly not making a sound and hid behind the next box to be moved. When I heard boots approaching I stepped out smiling at the soldier in front of me before grabbing him by the throat letting my talons extend ripping into the esophagus before ripping the pipe out. He made no noise but the fresh blood caught a lot of attention. I looked at the men as they tore their goggles away. Cat eyes shined bright as they licked their lips at the sent. I cringed and removed my own glasses.

"Here have some catnip. I won't be long."

A growl could be heard as a young woman stepped out. Her arms were tattooed with tiger print and her glowing eyes would suggest that she was altered as well but only the men she was controlling were she was a mutant.

"Stand down boys. The boss expected him. Alone not so much."

I tilted my head.

"Which boss, Maleena, Scar or the kid?"

She looked at me shocked.

"How do you know those names?"

I smirked and gave her a side glance.

"How do you know mine?"

"I asked first!"

"Tallia step down. I will take him to Scar."

Tallia bowed her head as a young girl no older than 14 stepped through with a whip on one hip and a katana on the other. This was the more dangerous out of the three. I smirked and adjusted my guise to look at her."

"Hello, kid."

She glared at me.

"Don't call me kid. I am older than you boy."

I smirked.

"Then a name would be quite helpful don't you think?"

I tilted my head to the side in a bird-like manner keeping my eye on her. I sniffed the air without being obvious. I could hear typing knowing the hacker was approximately 10 feet to the left of the kid in hiding. The kid smelled of blood, figures but had more of a salt water smell to her. Blood surrounded her Aurors. Shark. I smiled to myself knowing what I am going against and that she couldn't actually see me. Just smell me because of the blood.

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