Shiny Bald Head

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Crisp brown leaves fall indicating that autumn has arrived, that can only mean one thing for you; summer is finally over, two whole months of bathing under the sun and going outside are now done, now it's time for you to lock up yourself in your room and study till you want to bawl your eyes out. Welcome to college!
"God... Damn it!" You yelled. The suitcase was way too heavy as you dragged it down the hall. "Sweetie let me help you." Your mom rushed down trying to catch up to you. You both started to carry the suitcase. "Thanks mom, do you remember the number of my dorm?" "I believe it was 306."-Your mom's eyes widened-"Here it is! Do you have your keys?" "Sh*t! I forgot to pick them up" You sighed in disbelief. "LANGUAGE!" Your mom lightly hit the back of your head. "Maybe I should just knock, my roommate might be in there anyway." "Alright, but before you go in I just want to tell you how proud I am, it's not every day that you get into an Ivy League school,  I know it's been a rough couple of months since your ex left you, but you're oh so very strong. Look how far you've come without somebody holding your hand." "Damn mom you're gonna make me cry." You embraced each other in a warm and sweet hug, once you were done your mom walked away and left you alone with that door. Just you and your future. The door swung open before you could even knock on it. A tall blonde girl stood there with a wide grin. "Hi, I'm Teddy!" "I'm y/n, are you my new roommate?" "So it seems... come on in!"
You stepped into what already seemed like a very decorated room. "I hope you don't mind, but I already chose my side." Teddy giggled. "Well, you were here first after all. You gotta be quick, being territorial isn't entirely bad." You said while scanning the room. "It's a survival tactic you have to develop when you grow up in a household full of siblings, y/n." "I hear you." "Oh, so you have any siblings?" "No." You both laughed.
A subtle knock on the door interrupted your conversation.

"Huh, that's weird." Teddy said while approaching the door, in order to look into the peephole. She formed a smile, indicating that she knows who's out there. You couldn't help but glance at the door while it was being opened. "Dad!" Teddy opened her arms widely embracing the tall BALD man. Teddy's dad had an almost bald head, that shimmered while it reflected the light from the hall and your own room. Something deep inside you felt different, while you couldn't help but drift off into the hypnotic shiny head.

 Something deep inside you felt different, while you couldn't help but drift off into the hypnotic shiny head

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 "Y/N, this is my dad, Bob." You snapped back into reality. "H...Hello." What? Why are you stumbling in your words? "It's nice to meet you." You were expecting a handshake, but instead he embraced you in a hug, just like he did with Teddy. He smelled like rat poison, but weirdly enough it was the nicest rat poison you've ever smelled. Ever. He let you go and faced Teddy. "Teddy, you forgot your anti-mosquito bracelet." He reached into his pocket, taking out a plastic bracelet that had "Bob Pest-Control" on it. Damn, he was a businessman with his own BUSINESS. What a catch... Wait a minute, what were you even thinking? "Thanks dad...?" There was confusion in Teddy's voice. "It's not even mosquito season. Did you come with this excuse just to see me?" Bob went silent. And after the silence, crying came. "BBbdwhdbasTeddY I'M gONNA miSS yoUU." Bob cried, loudly. His nose started running as he slowly fell into the floor, crying even harder than before. "Dad, you're embarrassing me in front of my roommate." Suddenly something changed in Bob's expression, he saw you. 'I... I'm so sorry I forgot you were here.' He went red from the embarrassment and kept starring at you. His nose, now shining as brightly as his head, kept running. But you starred into his eyes. Bob.

Bob left, he hugged Teddy and ran away. That was strange, but  you couldn't help but think about Bob. Bob the exterminator.

Exterminate My Love II Bob DuncanWhere stories live. Discover now