Bobby Trap

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Bob Duncan's POV:

It was a long day after I left Teddy's dorm. The truth is I didn't want to come back home, I just couldn't stand to even look at her in the face. I moped around campus for a bit, handing out free Bob-Plague-Control-Mosquito-Bands (sadly not trademarked, Bob tried to get the rights for them but his mortal enemy, Bob the Builder, had won this battle) and trying to build up the courage to head into the headmaster's office and ask him if he had any room available for me to sleep in. To tell you the truth I was embarrassed, Teddy didn't know about the situation I was going through so I had to be very careful in order to sneak into a room, sleep there and pretend early in the morning that I arrived on campus. "You can do this Bob Duncan." I tried to reassure myself, already in front of the headmaster's office. I took a deep breath and opened the door, only to find the alleged headmaster reading a comically large sized newspaper, covering his whole person. "Well, well look who we have here." Said the headmaster, with a distorted voice that was barely capable of escaping the newspaper. "Yes, hello boss. My name is Bob Duncan, I'm the new campus exterminator." I replied, while slowly coming closer to hear the distorted voice. The headmaster seemed to be very short, everything in his office was tiny too, and a toolbox sat neatly on his desk. "Oh... I know perfectly who you are...Bob." Answered the headmaster, while finally taking the newspaper out of the way.

" Answered the headmaster, while finally taking the newspaper out of the way

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I was astonished. There stood my mortal enemy, the man who stole my company's name, the man who stole my pride, the man who stole my... my...

"Bob the Builder!" I exclaimed. "Yes Bob, it is I, Bob." Replied the handyman. I felt the sudden urge to leap onto the desk and tear Bob the Builder's face off. I restrained myself, after all he was my new boss. "Why did you hire me?" I asked Bob the Builder. "You see Bob, I know you are embarrassed about your new 'family situation"-he said, making sure to pronounce family situation as sarcastically as possible-"I mean who wouldn't be? Could you even imagine? Your own wife, Amy Duncan, cheating on you with a 215 mm man? So, it came to my attention that your children don't know about this yet, well my future children if Amy wants it to happen." 

My blood boiled, how dare he, this THIEF! He had stolen my company's name, my pride, my wife and now he wanted to steal my children?! "Bob the Builder you're en evil tiny miniature man!" I shouted

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My blood boiled, how dare he, this THIEF! He had stolen my company's name, my pride, my wife and now he wanted to steal my children?! "Bob the Builder you're en evil tiny miniature man!" I shouted. "And now..."-Bob the Builder continued-"You only have one job left, you can't leave Bob, and if you mess up, if Teddy finds out about your shameful situation... Who do you think she'll want to stay with? Her mom, all her sibling and her super cool rich future step-dad, or her sad little old dad who works in campus at her own college? You choose your move, Bob." Said Bob the builder, now standing on top of some balanced books which were on his desk, so he could talk face-to-face with me. "If I could crush you into pieces Bob the Builder... I would. But right now I'm thinking of my children, and I know I have to provide for them. You win this round." I replied, now standing in front of the door ready to leave. As I opened the door Bob said: "Amy says hi." I slammed the door shut, and started walking with tears running down my face. God Bob, you're so pathetic. I was crying so hard and my brain was in such a fuzz that I shut my eyes close and walked blindly until I hit a tree. I fell down, only to look up and realize I had just stumbled with my new home, since Bob the Builder wasn't going to give me a dorm any time soon. I sighed. "My name is Bob Duncan and yes my wife might've cheated on me, and yes my mortal enemy is a 215 mm man, but god damn it I'm Bob Duncan and I exterminate the plague, so even though I will now live in a tree I'll fight for my children until the en-" My speech was interrupted by a sudden rustle in the top of the tree. "Hello?" I yelled out. "AaaA" Replied the person on top, with more leaves shaking. "Who's there?" I shouted up. The rustle became more prominent, as a silhouette started to fall and it seemed to get closer and closer... Oh no! They were falling down! "I'm gonna catch you!" I said trying to calculate were they would fall. I wasn't quick enough, because the person who was once falling is now slammed in the ground, doing a sudden groan. "Are you okay?" I asked, disturbed. The person lifted their face to slightly face me. Their head was clearly injured and they were in a state of dizziness and confusion. Oh I know this person! "Y/N? Are you alright?" Y/N seemed out of it...

author's note: I'm writing this instead of paying attention to class yeehaw B)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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