When Worlds Collide

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As Bob left, Teddy faced you once more "Sorry about that... Dad's been acting up lately." "Hey don't worry about that, we've all had one of those days. A month ago I broke up with my boyfriend, turns out he was cheating on me!" You commented, instantly regretting opening-up too quickly. A sudden silence drowned the room, Teddy looked as if she was pondering a philosophical question. Then she broke the silence with a weird excited tone. "NO WAY" Huh?? Girl, why is she so excited that you got cheated on? "Me too!" She continued. You both laughed jumping up and down in what could only be assumed as a weird new friendship ritual. 

After setting everything up, Teddy and you decided to go to the campus club fair just to look around. It was a cold gray day, but the weather didn't match the student's excitement. "Come check us out! We do improv!" You walked extra quickly while passing that stand, no way you would be caught in that cult, only to crash against a fellow student. You both collided into the floor, and you started feeling a sudden palpitation in your forehead. "Ouch." You exclaimed, while slowly looking up to meet the person you had just crushed into. The boy slowly moved his hand from his face, slowly revealing his identity... You couldn't believe your eyes... YOUR EX BOYFRIEND! "What? What are you doing here y/n?" He said annoyingly. "Same goes to you? How did you get into Blarvard? Are you following me *sshole?" You snapped back. "Huh? NO, also how did you censor yourself? That was weird.." "Oh f*cking great, I thought I finally got away from you... You... B*tch!" You said with a higher tone than before, starting to cause a scene. "Stop doing that censoring thing it's creeping me out!" "****** **** ***"  You yelled, catching Teddy's attention, who was checking out the improv club. "What's going on here?" She jogged up to you, while simultaneously slowing her pace as she slowly made up the guy's identity. "Uhm... What the f*ck?" She said to the guy, making the situation even more confusing than before. The guy's eyes widened turning into big fat plates. BADOINK! He was surely shocked. "Hi Teddy..." He said as if Teddy had just caught him stealing the last cookie "SPENCER?"

You sat in the infirmary's bed next to Spencer, making sure you were at least two feet apart. "Stupid Spencer holding his stupid ice, what a stupid face." You thought... Or so you thought you did, until you realized Spencer, Teddy, and the nurse faced you with a confused expression. "Did I say that at loud?" You asked. Teddy nodded. Maybe the concussion did have some side effects... Oh well. You still stood by your point, Spencer did have a stupid face after all.

"God Spencer you are so weird! You knew I was coming to Blarvard, why, why oh WHY are you here?!" Teddy asked, desperately

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"God Spencer you are so weird! You knew I was coming to Blarvard, why, why oh WHY are you here?!" Teddy asked, desperately. "Teddy I just... I can't let you go. You're the love of my life." He said, still a bit drowsy from the hit on the head. "I'm sorry what? Spencer, are you telling me Teddy was the girl you cheated on me with? This is a fever dream." You said, laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. See, you and Spencer dated for a few months, until you found out he was cheating on you. One day he left his phone behind, receiving tons of notifications from a contact named: "Blonde one who does the weird videos for her sister." Once he went back to fetch his phone you dumped him, never truly knowing who was he cheating you on with... Well until now. Teddy was also startled by this new information. "Wait, wait, wait. Y/N you're telling me you also dated this loser?" Teddy asked. "Yeah! He's the boyfriend I spoke about earlier today, after your... Uhm, Dad left." All this commotion had made you forget about that mysterious, rat poison, bald-headed man. There was something about Bob, something wonderful. Teddy slowly leaned so she'd be eye-to-eye with Spencer. "Spencer, I don't know how you got into Blarvard, and I don't care if you think I'm the love of your life. You're a sad little cheater. *sshole!" Teddy stomped one of Spencer's shoes and walked away. "OUCH" Spencer whined. The nurse, who had been watching this whole time, let out an 'ohhh.'  You decided to storm off with Teddy. "Yeah b*itch!! HA HAA" You said while showing him the coolest finger of them all: the middle one. "I'M GONNA TELL YOUR DAD ABOUT THIS TEDDY!! YOUR DAD IS THE NEW CAMPUS EXTERMINATOR! DID YOU KNOW?" Spencer yelled. Upon hearing this, Teddy also decided to show him the cool finger. Something about hearing that Bob was gonna be around made you nervous... What if the semi-bald business exterminator man heard about this fight? You gulped, and decided to throw the last punch. "F*CK YOU SPENCER" You shouted, while running away from the infirmary and the scene. "How do they keep censoring themselves?" Spencer said, now with a broken foot.

author's note: quarantine has gotten me cray cray heheee. anyway.

Exterminate My Love II Bob DuncanWhere stories live. Discover now